A local train and an express train leave from station a and station B at the same time. After 20 hours of meeting, it will take 30 hours for the local train to reach station B, and how many hours for the express train to reach station a?

A local train and an express train leave from station a and station B at the same time. After 20 hours of meeting, it will take 30 hours for the local train to reach station B, and how many hours for the express train to reach station a?

20 + 30 = 50 (hours) 1 ^ [(1-2050) ^ 20] - 20 = 1 ^ [3050 ^ 20] - 20 = 1 ^ 3100-20 = 3313-20 = 1313 (hours) a: it will take 1313 hours for the express train to reach station a

An express train and a local train depart from a and B at the same time, and meet 25 km away from the midpoint. If the speed difference between the two trains is 10 km, the time of meeting is one hour

25 × 2 △ 10 = 5 hours

The two trains leave from a and B and meet at 48 km from the midpoint after 4 hours. It is known that the local train is five seventh faster than the express train. What are the speeds of the express train and the local train? How many kilometers are there between a and B?

The two trains leave from a and B and meet at 48 km from the midpoint after 4 hours. It is known that the local train is five seventh of the speed of the express train. What are the multi speed of the express train and the local train? How many kilometers are there between a and B?
The speed difference is 48x24 = 24km / h
The speed of express train is 24 (1-5 / 7) = 84 km / h
The local speed is 84-24 = 60 km / h
The distance between a and B is (84 + 60) X4 = 576km
A: the speed of fast train is 84 km / h and that of slow train is 60 km / h. The distance between a and B is 576 km
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