Dad saved Xiaoming a 3-year education savings (3-year interest rate is 2.7%) and he can withdraw 5045 yuan after 3 years. How many yuan did he save?

Dad saved Xiaoming a 3-year education savings (3-year interest rate is 2.7%) and he can withdraw 5045 yuan after 3 years. How many yuan did he save?

Let X be saved
x*(1+2.7%)^3 = 5045
Just solve the equation
^3 is cubic
This equation is easy to solve
(1+2.7%)^3 = 1.027^3 = 1.08
5045 / 1.08 = 4761.30 yuan

My father wants to deposit a sum of money for Mingming. Assuming that the annual interest rate is 5%, if the sum of principal and interest is 23000 yuan in three years, my father should deposit it in the bank now

If the deposit interest tax is not considered and the deposited principal is x, then:
X^5%^3 = 23000-X
The solution is: x = 20000 yuan