It's 48 minutes for naughty to get from home to the railway station. When is the latest time for him to go to the railway station It opens at 7:45 on March 2

It's 48 minutes for naughty to get from home to the railway station. When is the latest time for him to go to the railway station It opens at 7:45 on March 2

March 02, 6:42

A school organized 150 teachers and students to travel to other places. They can start at 5 o'clock. In order to catch the train, they have to go to the railway station at 6:55
The speed of the passenger car is 36 km / h, and the school is 21 km away from the railway station. Obviously, all the people take the bus. Because the bus has to go back and forth for many times, it is too late to take the bus and walk simultaneously. If you can walk 4 km per hour, how can you arrange it so that everyone can get to the railway station on time?

Suppose that the pedestrian travel time is X minutes and the bus travel time is (115-x) minutes, it is easy to list the equation: X / 15 + 9 / 15 (115-x) = 21, and the solution is x = 90115-x = 25, that is to say, the pedestrian travel time is 90 minutes and the bus travel time is 25 minutes. The problem also lies in that the bus goes back and forth three times, and it takes 20 minutes for the bus to return empty. From the chart, we can see that the total travel time of the bus is 3 * 25 + 20 * 2 = 115