It is known that the volume of a cone is 6 | 1 of the volume of a cylinder, and the height of a cone is 4.8

It is known that the volume of a cone is 6 | 1 of the volume of a cylinder, and the height of a cone is 4.8

Think like this: if their volumes are equal, then the height of a cone is three times that of a cylinder
Now the volume of a cone is only one sixth of that of a cylinder,
So the height of cone is (3 △ 6 = 0.5) times of that of cylinder
Good luck and goodbye

The base and height of a cylinder and a cone are equal. Given that the volume of a cylinder is 48 cubic centimeters larger than that of a cone, calculate the volume of a cone

According to the volume formula, if the volume ratio of a cylinder and a cone with equal base and height is 3:1, the volume of the cylinder is twice larger than that of the cone, so the volume of the cone is 48 △ 2 = 24 (cubic centimeter)

If the volume of a cylinder is 1000 cubic centimeters, the volume of a cone is about 1000 cubic centimeters______ The edge length of a cube is______ Cm, the bottom area of the cylinder is______ Square centimeter

(1) The volume of the cone is: 1000 △ 3 ≈ 333 (cubic centimeter); (2) the volume of the cube is equal to the volume of the cylinder, which is 1000 cubic centimeter, because 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000, so the edge length of the cube is 10 cm; (3) the height of the cylinder is equal to the edge length of the cube, which is 10 cm, so the bottom area of the circular cylinder is