Answer to 100 practical questions in Grade 6

Answer to 100 practical questions in Grade 6

1. Weight of 13 plums = weight of 2 apples + 1 peach, weight of 4 plums + 1 apple = weight of 1 peach, weight of several plums = weight of 1 peach?
13 Li = 2 Li + 4 Li + 1 li
3 li = 1 apple
1 peach = 4 Li + 3 li = 7 Li
2、 Practical questions: (please write the process)
1. There are 83 people in class A and class B, 86 people in class B and class C, and 85 people in class C and class A. how many people are there in class A and class B?
A + B + C = [83 + 86 + 85] / 2 = 127
A = 127-86 = 41
B = 127-85 = 42
C = 127-83 = 44
2. 2 cattle and 4 sheep eat 27 kg of grass a day, 6 cattle and 15 sheep eat 90 kg of grass a day, 1 cattle and 1 sheep eat how many kg of grass a day?
6 cattle + 12 sheep = 27 * 3 = 81
3 sheep = 90-81 = 9
1 sheep = 3 sheep
1n = [27-4 * 3] / 2 = 7.5
1 cow + 1 sheep = 3 + 7.5 = 10.5kg
4. Four basketball and three volleyball will cost 141 yuan, five basketball and four volleyball will cost 180 yuan. How much will each basketball and volleyball cost?
1 basket + 1 row = 180-141 = 39
1 basket = 141-39 * 3 = 24
1 row = 39 * 4-141 = 15 yuan
5. It costs 44 yuan for Xiaoqiang to buy five boxes of sugar and Xiaohong to buy five boxes of cake. If Xiaoqiang and Xiaohong exchange one box for another, then the price of all items per person is equal. How much is each box of sugar and cake?
1 sugar + 1 egg = 44 / 5 = 8.8
4 sugar + 1 egg = 44 / 2 = 22
1 sugar = [22-8.8] / 3 = 4.4 yuan
1 egg = 8.8-4.4 = 4.4
6. There are 10 red and black balls, 7 red and white balls, and 5 black and white balls. How many of the three kinds of balls are there?
Red + white + Black = [10 + 7 + 5] / 2 = 11
Red = 11-5 = 6
White = 11-10 = 1
Black = 11-7 = 4