Three practical problems of mathematics fraction, 1. There are 780 kg of pears and apples in the food store. Three fifths of the apples are sold and 150 kg of pears are sold. At this time, the weight of apples and pears is the same. How many kg of apples are there? 2. From the fourth city to the second city, a car runs 2 / 5 of the whole road in the first hour, and 10 kilometers more in the second hour than in the first hour. At this time, the distance from the second city is exactly 1 / 10 of the whole road. How long is the whole road? 3. Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 1 / 4 of the whole book. On the second day, he read 5 pages less than on the first day. There are 30 pages left. How many pages are there in this book?

Three practical problems of mathematics fraction, 1. There are 780 kg of pears and apples in the food store. Three fifths of the apples are sold and 150 kg of pears are sold. At this time, the weight of apples and pears is the same. How many kg of apples are there? 2. From the fourth city to the second city, a car runs 2 / 5 of the whole road in the first hour, and 10 kilometers more in the second hour than in the first hour. At this time, the distance from the second city is exactly 1 / 10 of the whole road. How long is the whole road? 3. Xiao Ming read a story book. On the first day, he read 1 / 4 of the whole book. On the second day, he read 5 pages less than on the first day. There are 30 pages left. How many pages are there in this book?

1. Apple (780-150) / (1-3 / 5 + 1) = 630 / 7 / 5 = 450 (kg) pear 780-450 = 330 (kg)
2. 10 ÷ (1-2 / 5-2 / 5-1 / 10) = 100 km
3. (30-5) / (1-1 / 4-1 / 4) = 50 pages

Three basic practical problems in Mathematics
A rope is 3 / 2 meters long, minus 3 / 4, how many meters are left
A rope is three-quarters of a meter long. After subtracting some, there is still three-quarters. How many meters
A rope minus two-thirds of the meter, the rest is three-quarters longer than the cut. How many meters are left
Help us

1. 2 / 3 × (1-3 / 4) = 1 / 6M
2. 2 / 3 × (1-3 / 4) = 1 / 6M
3. 2 / 3 × (1 + 3 / 4) = 7 / 6M

A practical problem of fraction
The number of people in workshop B is 2 / 3 of that in workshop A. four people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B. the number of people in workshop B is 7 / 8 of that in workshop A. how many people are there in each workshop?

The number of people in workshop B is 2 / 3 of that in workshop A. four people are transferred from workshop a to workshop B. the number of people in workshop B is 7 / 8 of that in workshop A. how many people are there in each workshop?
A total of 4 ÷ [3 / (3 + 2) - 8 / (8 + 7)]
=60 people
A: 60 × 3 / (3 + 2) = 60 × 3 / 5 = 36 people
B: 60-36 = 24