Elementary school equation calculation I need 20 equations, like x + 13 = 33. Don't give me hundreds

Elementary school equation calculation I need 20 equations, like x + 13 = 33. Don't give me hundreds

[practice] 2x + 25 = 1004x-100 = 259x + 4x-20 = 93x-20 = 3076-2x = 12100x-100 = 030x + 5-8 = 90120-x + 2 = 877X + 34 = 791x + 2x = 241034x + 22 = 104821x + 21 = 2134x-34 = 34x-20 = 1029x + 9 = 920x-30 = 10x22x-6x = 409x + 10x = 1912-2x = 22x + 8 = 46

Practical problems, only the formula does not calculate
1. The school canteen burned 1.5 tons of coal in May, 0.3 tons less than that in April, and how much less than that in April?

0.3 divided by (1.5 + 0.3)

Application questions! Can only be listed without calculation!
1. On a 1:5000000 map, the distance between a and B is 10cm. If on a 1:2000000 map, how many kilometers is the distance between the two places?
2. Xiao Fang and Xiao Ming go from a to B at the same time. Xiao Fang walks 80 meters per minute and Xiao Ming 72 meters per minute. Xiao Ming takes 4 minutes more than Xiao Fang. How many meters are there between a and B?
3. The two warehouses of Party A and Party B are respectively filled with rice, of which the warehouse of Party A is filled with 900 tons. It is known that 2 / 3 of the total rice in the warehouse of Party B is equal to 4 / 5 of the total rice in the warehouse of Party B. how many tons of rice is there in the warehouse of Party B?
4. To make a 90 liter fuel tank, the fuel tank factory is 75 cm, 40 cm wide and how many cm deep?
5. A project can be completed in 15 days by team a alone, 20 days by team B alone, 5 days by team a alone, and several days by team a and team B together. A total of 4 / 5 of the whole project can be completed?

(1) 1 / 2000000 / 1 / 5000000 x 10 / 100000 (2) 72 X4 / (80-72) (3) according to 2 / 3 of warehouse A and 4 / 5 of total rice in warehouse B, how many tons of rice does warehouse B have? (900 x 2 / 3) / 4 / 5 (4) 90 liters = 90000 cubic centimeter, 90000 / (75x40) (5) (4 / 5-1 / 15 * 5) / (1 / 15 + 1 / 20)