Application of cylinder and cone The application of cone and cylinder with equal height and volume, the application of cone and cylinder with equal base and volume

Application of cylinder and cone The application of cone and cylinder with equal height and volume, the application of cone and cylinder with equal base and volume

If the height of the cone increases by 12 cm, the volume of the cone and the cylinder will be equal. Given that the radius of the bottom of the cone is 5 cm, how many cubic centimeters is the volume of the original cone
The volume difference between a cylinder and a cone is 50.24 cubic centimeters. If the radius of the bottom of the cylinder is 2 cm, what is the side area of the cylinder?
Experiment with cylindrical and conical containers with equal bottom and height. Fill the cylindrical container with sand and pour it into the cylindrical container. What do you find
The height of a cone is twice the height of a circle. The area of its bottom is the same. The volume of a cone is ()
The circumference of the bottom of a cylinder is 2 / 3 of that of a cone. The height of the cone is 3 / 4 of the height of the cylinder, and the volume of the cone is () of the cylinder
The volume of a cylinder and a cone is 60 cubic centimeters. What is the volume of a cylinder? What is the volume of a cone?
The radius of the bottom of a cone is 3 / 4 of that of a cylinder, and the volume of the cylinder is 8 / 9 of that of a cone,
What is the ratio of the height of the cone to that of the cylinder?
The height of the cone is 21 cm. How many cm is the height of the liquid level when the water in the cone is poured into a cylindrical container with the same bottom as it?
The volume of a cylinder is 1 / 3 more than that of a cone. The area of the bottom of the cylinder is 2.5 times that of the cone. How much higher is the height of the cylinder than that of the cone?
It is known that the volume ratio of a cone to a cylinder is 1 / 6, and the height of a cone is 4.8 cm. What is the height of a cylinder?
A cylinder, perimeter = 6.28, height = 2DM, if it is reduced to a cone, what is the height of the cone
The volume of a cone is equal to that of a cone. It is known that the height of a cylinder is 2 / 5 of the height of a cone, and the area of the bottom of a cylinder is a fraction of the area of the bottom of a cone?
A cylindrical steel with a bottom radius of 15 cm and a height of 3 cm is melted and cast into a cone with a radius of 12 cm. What is the height of the cone?
The height and bottom radius of a cone are equal to the edge length of a cube?
The height of the bottom area of a cylinder and a cone is equal. The volume of a cone is 36 cubic centimeters less than that of a cylinder. What are the volumes of a cylinder and a cone?
The bottom area of a cone and a cylinder is equal. The volume ratio is 1:6. How many centimeters is the height of a cone?
The length, width and height of a cuboid are 8 cm, 4 cm and 5 cm respectively. What is the volume of a cylinder with the same base and height?
The bottom area and height of a cylinder and a cone are equal. The sum of them is 52 cubic centimeters. How many cubic centimeters is the cone and how many cubic centimeters is the cylinder

Simple application of cylinder and cone

Cylinder 1. A cylindrical bucket with a bottom radius of 15 cm and a height of 45 cm. How much iron sheet does it need to make the bucket? 2. The front wheel of a roller is cylindrical, with a width of 1.5 m and a diameter of 1.2 m. when the front wheel rotates for one circle, how many square meters is the area of the roller? 3. Build a cylindrical reservoir with a bottom diameter of 4 m and a depth of 5 m

1. Cut a cylinder into the largest cone. The volume of the cut part is 40 cubic meters. What is the volume of the original cylinder?
2. The area of the bottom of a cone is equal to that of a cylinder. It is known that the volume ratio of a cone to a cylinder is 1:6. The height of a cone is 4.8 cm. What is the height of a cylinder?
3. A cylindrical container with a bottom radius of 10 cm is filled with water. Now put a conical plumb with a bottom diameter of 4 cm and a height of 15 cm into the water (completely submerged), how much has the water surface increased?
4. If the height of a 16 cm cylinder is increased by 1 / 4, the surface area will be increased by 12.56 square cm

1.40 / 2 * 3 = 60 [m3] a; the original volume is 60 [m3]. 2.4.8 / 3 = 1.6 [cm] a; the height of the cylinder is 1.6 cm