On the calculation of X equation (grade 4 of primary school) Speed! (15 lanes)

On the calculation of X equation (grade 4 of primary school) Speed! (15 lanes)

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Application of equation in Grade Four
The average number of the three numbers is 60. The number a is twice that of the number B. the number C is 5 more than the number A. what are the numbers a, B and C? (use the equation to write the answer.)

Let B not be X
B 35
A 70
C 75

Primary school fourth grade 20 equation calculation problems, out of their own, do not paste from other places drop!
34+x=78 x-12.5=47 68-x=24 0.8x=125 3x-24=48
27-1.7x=13.4 1.5x-75=75 2.6+x=3.8 x÷0.8=31 x÷7=42
34 x+16 x=7 7x-5x=12 8.15 +x= 45 7.6 +x-13 =1 x-(15 +310 )= 15
1.2x48 = 118 6800-x = 5670 4.5X = 329.8x + x = 12.1 3x + 79 = 79 this is not allowed!

34 59.5 44 156.25 24
8 100 1.2 24.8 294
0.14 6 36.85 6.4 340
? 1130 7.111 1.12 56.67