1. As shown in the figure, the semicircle with a diameter of 6 decimeters is rotated 30 degrees to calculate the area of the shadow part 2. As shown in the figure, a semi-circular stadium with a length of 110 meters and a width of 90 meters in the middle and a diameter of 90 meters at both ends is to open up six circular runways with a width of 0.85 meters on the outside. How many square meters of apprentice area is needed (two decimal places are reserved as a result)? No troublemakers, I want it today!

1. As shown in the figure, the semicircle with a diameter of 6 decimeters is rotated 30 degrees to calculate the area of the shadow part 2. As shown in the figure, a semi-circular stadium with a length of 110 meters and a width of 90 meters in the middle and a diameter of 90 meters at both ends is to open up six circular runways with a width of 0.85 meters on the outside. How many square meters of apprentice area is needed (two decimal places are reserved as a result)? No troublemakers, I want it today!

Width: 2.5 * 0.85
The required apprentice area is: