She _____________ (go) to the cinema with her classmate tomorrow evening. Ben ___________ (want) a penfriend in China. I am _____________ (do) my homework now.

She _____________ (go) to the cinema with her classmate tomorrow evening. Ben ___________ (want) a penfriend in China. I am _____________ (do) my homework now.

1 will go
2 wants
3 doing

An enterprise deposits 200000 yuan into the bank for two different purposes of a and B. the annual interest rate of a deposit is 5.5%, and that of B deposit is 4.5%. All kinds of deposits are paid interest tax at 20% of the annual interest. After one year, the enterprise's actual income from interest is 7600 yuan. How much are the deposits of a and B?

Let a deposit x 10000 yuan, then B deposit number is (20-x), according to the topic meaning: (1-20%) [x × 5.5% + (20-x) × 4.5%] = 0.76 solution: x = 5. Answer: a deposit 50000 yuan, B deposit 150000 yuan

The three young pioneers planted a total of 90 trees, of which 30% were planted in a, and the ratio of trees planted in B and C was 10:11. How many trees did they plant?

30% of a, then 90 × 0.3 = 27
Then B and C are 90-27 = 63
The ratio of ethylene to propylene is 10:11
The second one is 63 × 10 / (10 + 11) = 30
63 × 11 / (10 + 11) = 33 plants were inoculated

Find the sixth grade Mathematical Olympiad, and the answer and analysis process
No less than 15
It's urgent. Hurry up_

1. It is known that: a × 23 = B × 135 = C △ 23, and a, B, C are not equal to 0, then the smallest number among a, B, C is (). (a) a (b) B (c) C (d) cannot be determined. 2. In the integer division formula with remainder, the divisor is B, and the quotient is C, (B, C are

1. The ratio of boys to girls in a class of preparatory grade last semester is 4:3. This semester, one boy is transferred and three girls are transferred. Now, the ratio of boys to girls is 5:3. How many boys and girls are there in this class last semester?
2. There are two circles, big and small. The overlap is 7 / 1 of the area of big circle and 8 / 3 of the area of small circle
3. Cut a 12 meter long rope into two sections according to 3:2, and then cut the short section into two sections according to 3:2. What is the ratio of the length of the longest section to the length of the shortest section? If you don't tell you the length of the rope, can you work out the result?
4. How to dilute a cup of 500 ml of 20% salt water into 1200 ml of 10% salt water with clean water, 2% salt water and 5% salt water,
5. A wealthy businessman in ancient Rome left such a will on his deathbed: if his pregnant wife gave birth to a boy, the child got 3 / 2 of the property and the mother got 3 / 1 of the property; if he gave birth to a girl, the child got 3 / 1 of the property and the mother got 3 / 2 of the property, His wife gave birth to a pair of twins. So how can we distribute the inheritance closest to the wishes of rich businessmen? If it's triplets, do you have a way to distribute these heritages?
6. If you sell a piece of clothing at a 25% discount, you can earn 39 yuan. If you sell it at a 70% discount, you can earn 18 yuan?
All of them are indispensable)

1. Suppose that male X person and female y Person X: y = 4:3 (x + 1): (Y-3) = 5:3, x = 24, y = 182. The area of big circle is equal to that of small circle 21:83. The length of three rope segments is 7.22.881.92 and the ratio is 15:4. If the rope length is not provided, the rope length is set as 1.4

There are 56 balls in 8 boxes, 12 balls in each big box and 4 balls in each small box. How many balls are there in the big box?

Let X be only 12x + 4 (8-x) = 56, then x = 3

How long does it take for a person to work alone?

Change to minutes
60 minutes, 80 minutes and 90 minutes
1 / (1 / 144) = 144 (minutes)
Please accept!

The title is as follows:
Now there are four numbers. Take every three of them and add them together. Then the sum of them is 22, 24, 27 and 20 respectively?
It's not necessary to use the equation solution, but it's important to write down the whole process and ideas in detail and clearly, with faster speed,
Pay attention, don't use ABCD. I can't understand it.
It's best to use equation to solve problems.

All add up to 22 + 24 + 27 + 20 = 93, which means that the four numbers are added three times
93 divided by 3 = 31 is the sum of four numbers

When building a road, the ratio of the length of the road that has been built to that of the road that has not been built is 1:3. After another 300 meters, the ratio of the length of the road that has been built to that of the road that has not been built is 1:2. How long is the road?
The volume of cylinder a is equal to that of cylinder B, and the ratio of height is 3:7. It is known that the bottom area of cylinder a is 21.98 square centimeters, and what is the bottom area of cylinder B?
How many grams of water should be added to dilute 400 grams of salt water with 5% salinity to 4% salinity?

2.21.98 / 7 * 3 = 9.42 (cm2)
500-400=100 (g)
I'm in sixth grade, too

① The distance between a and B is 500 kilometers. The express train takes 5 hours to complete the whole journey, and the slow train takes 10 hours to complete the whole journey. If the two trains drive from both places at the same time, how many hours will they meet?
② There are several students in a school. The number of boys is 62 more than 2 / 3 of the total number of the school, and the number of girls is 20 less than 1 / 5 of the total number of the school. How many boys and girls are there in the school?

The speed of fast train is 500 / 5 = 100, the speed of slow train is 500 / 10 = 50. When two trains meet, 500 / (100 + 50) = 3 + 1 / 3 hours = 3 hours and 20 minutes. There are a total of a students in the school, 2 / 3A + 62 boys, 2 / 3A + 62 + 1 / 5a-20 girls, 2 / 3A + 62 + 1 / 5a-20 girls = A2 / 15A = 42a = 315 boys: 315 * (2 / 3) + 62 = 272 girls: 315-272 = 43