40 practical problems of solving equations in Grade 6 Need answers!!! 40 sixth grade equation solving problems... Use it in a hurry!!!

40 practical problems of solving equations in Grade 6 Need answers!!! 40 sixth grade equation solving problems... Use it in a hurry!!!

5\6*5=6 5\4*2=5/8 2\1*4=2 4 4\5*2=2/5 3\1*5=3/5 7\2*6=7/12 5\2*6=5/12 3\5*2=3/10 5\7*2=5/14 5\6*1=5/6 7\9*2=7/18 5\4*2=5/8 2\45*0=0 5\6-5\4=5\2 2\1+2\1=1 4\5-4\5=0 3\2-3\1=3\1 5+4\1=5 4\1 5\1+5\1=5\2 ...

Solving 100 equations and calculation problems in Volume 1 of Grade 7

In the past, we rented these two trucks twice. In the first time, we transported 15.5 tons of goods with 2 class a trucks and 3 class B trucks. In the second time, we rented 3 class a trucks and 5 class B trucks of the company. If we pay 30 yuan for each ton, how much should the owner pay
If a can hold x tons and B can hold y tons, then
We get x = 4
We get (3x + 5Y) * 30 = 735
2. In order to keep the total amount of sales unchanged, how much more will the sales volume increase than when it is sold at the original price?
Increase by X% when selling at original price
In order to keep the total amount of sales unchanged, the sales volume should be increased by 11.11% compared with the original price
3. The price of a commodity after 10% reduction is just 40 yuan more than half of the original price. How much is the original price?
Let the original price be x yuan
A: the original price is 100 yuan
4. There are 40 grams of salt water with 8% salt content. How many grams of salt need to be added to make the salt water with 20% salt content?
Let's add x grams of salt
At first, the pure salt is 40 * 8% G
Plus x g is 40 * 8% + X
Salt water is 40 + X grams
Concentration 20%
So (40 * 8% + x) / (40 + x) = 20%
So add six grams of salt
5. The sale of eggs in a certain market is priced by the number of eggs. A vendor bought a batch of eggs at 0.24 yuan each. However, 12 eggs were accidentally smashed during the trafficking process, and the remaining eggs were sold at 0.28 yuan each, resulting in a profit of 11.2 yuan. How many eggs did the vendor buy?
Suppose the vendor had bought x eggs
According to the meaning of the question, the equation is given
A: the vendor bought 36 eggs

Zhejiang Education Press (prawns, please) good words plus points!
Why are they all practical problems?

1. It is known that the speed of a and B ships is 24 km / h and 20 km / h respectively. The two ships leave Hankou port one hour earlier than a, and the two ships arrive at destination a at the same time. Ask the distance between the two places? Distance difference = 20 × 1 = 20 km, speed difference = 24-20 = 4 km / h. It takes 20 △ 4 = 5 hours for a to catch up with B. distance between the two places = 24 × 5 = 120 km

What are the fallible problems in the fourth grade mathematics

Direction and four operations

Profit and loss problems
1. The students of class 5 (4) go boating in spring. If they rent one less boat, there will be nine people on each boat. If they rent one more boat, there will be six people on each boat. How many students are there in class 5 (4)?
If each monkey is divided into 10 peaches, two of them are not; if each monkey is divided into 7 peaches, there will be 10 peaches left. Excuse me: how many peaches are there? How many monkeys are there?

1. You can make an equation
Plan to charter x ships
A: there are 36 students in class 5 (4)
2. There are x monkeys
Peach: 7 × 10 + 10 = 80
A: there are 10 monkeys and 80 peaches

How to find the law of profit and loss

In a big clean-up, the teacher assigned several people to clean the glass. If two of them cleaned 4 pieces, and the others cleaned 5 pieces, then the remaining 22 pieces; if each person cleaned 7 pieces, just finished. Find the number of people who cleaned the glass and the number of pieces of glass
This is how to solve the problem
22 - (5-4) * 2 = 20 (pieces)
20 divided by (7-5) = 10 (people)
5 * 10 + 20 = 70 (piece)
-5,-2,1,4,_____ ,10

Practical problems of commodity profit and loss
I don't understand some questions about the purchase price and selling price of goods. I'm here to ask you for advice. Can you give me some examples as long as it's about the purchase price and selling price

Purchase price: your cost price
Commodity price: is the customer's purchase price
Selling price purchase price = profit
For example, if you buy a chicken for 30 yuan and sell it for 40 yuan, you will make a profit of 10 yuan

On the application of profit and loss
1. The teacher bought some pencils and gave them to the excellent team members. If each team member divided 5 pencils, there would be 14 more pencils. If each team member divided 7 pencils, there would be 2 more pencils. How many excellent team members are there? How many pencils have they bought?
2. Class 5 {1} goes boating in the park. If each boat takes 4 people, there will be one less boat. If each boat takes 6 people, there will be 4 more boats. How many students are there in class 5 {1}?
If we dig 8 meters a day, we have 27 meters left. If we dig 10 meters a day, we have 3 meters left
4. If each student does 6 courses, 18 courses will be less. If each student does 5 courses, 6 courses will be less. How many students are there? How many questions are they doing?
5. Some students move a batch of bricks. Each student moves 4 bricks. Five of them have to move 2 times. If each student moves 5 bricks, two of them have no bricks to move. Question: how many people move bricks? How many bricks?
6. If Xiao Ming walks 40 meters per minute from home to school, he will be 20 minutes late. If he walks 50 meters per minute, he will be 4 minutes early. How far is it from Xiao Ming's home to school?
Great Xia, help me

So these problems can be listed binary linear equations, but if the algebraic method is not required, it can only be tried one by one
1. With X people and Y pencils, we can get the equation system: 5x + 14 = y, 7X-2 = y, and the solution is: x = 8, y = 54. If we try, we can start from one person to try
2. If there are x people and Y boats, we can get the equations: X / 4-1 = y, X / 6 + 4 = y, the solution is x = 60, y = 14, that is, there are 60 students and 14 boats. If we try, we can first determine that the number of people must be the common multiple of 4 and 6, so starting from 12, 24, 36, 48, and trying to 60 is successful
3. Suppose the length of the canal is x meters and the excavation time is y days, then we can get the equations: 8y + 27 = x, 10Y + 3 = x, the solution is x = 123, y = 12, that is, the length of the canal is 123 meters. If we try, we will try it gradually day by day
4. Suppose the number of people x, do a total of Y problems, we can get the equations: 6x-18 = y, 5x-6 = y, solve x = 12, y = 54, that is, there are 12 people, do a total of 54 problems. If we try, we also try according to the increasing number of people
5. This problem is different from the previous ones. It has been implied that in the first case, except for five people moving twice, the others only move once; in the second case, except for two people not moving, the others only move once. Change the first case to say: if each person moves 4 yuan, it will be 20 yuan more; in the second case, it will also change the saying: if each person moves 5 yuan, it will be 10 yuan less, Suppose the number of people is x and the total number of bricks is y, then: 4x + 20 = y, 5x-10 = y. the solution is x = 30, y = 140, that is, there are 30 people and 140 bricks
6. Suppose the distance is x meters, and it takes y minutes to get to the school on time, then: (y + 20) * 40 = x, (y-4) * 50 = x, the solution is: x = 4800, y = 100, Xiaoming's family has 4800 meters to the school. If you try, you need more times

A profit and loss problem
If the cost of a commodity is reduced by 8% and the retail price remains unchanged, then the profit will be increased from M% to (M + 10)%

If we take the original cost as 1, we can get a new profit of (1-8% + M%) and a new cost of (1-8%)
The solution is m = 15

Urgent seems to be the application of profit and loss
A number divided by 5 is more than 4, divided by 6 is more than 5, divided by 7 is more than 6?

Add one and you'll be divided by five, six, seven
The least common multiple of 5,6,7 is
The minimum number is