Simplification of Radix 35 × Radix 15

Simplification of Radix 35 × Radix 15

Root 35 × root 15
=Root number (35 × 15)
=Root number (5 × 7 × 5 × 3)
=Root number (5 2 × 21)
=5 square 21
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Given cos (π / 3 - α) = radical 3 / 3, find cos (2 π / 3 + α) + Cos2 (7 π / 6 + α)

cos(π/3-α)=√3/3cos(2π/3+α)+cos2(7π/6+α)=-cos(π-(2π/3+α)) + cos(7π/3 +2α)=-cos(π/3-α) + cos(π/3 +2α)=-√3/3 - cos(2π/3-2α)=-√3/3 - cos2(π/3-α)=-√3/3 - 2[cos(π/3-α)]^2 +1=-√3/3 ...

If cos (30 ° + α) = root 3 / 3, cos (150 ° - α) is equal to

=cos(180°-(30°+α) )

Under the root sign, sin? 150? + cos? 35? + 2sin210 ° cos? 145 ° is equal to?

So the root of 2 is equal to that

Why cos α = - radical 1-sin? α

When α is π / 2 + 2K π to 3 π / 2 + 2K π, cos α is negative
Therefore, cos α = - radical 1-sin? α

The minimum value of cos? B + sin? B under root sign

Cos? B + sin? B is equal to 1,
Then the minimum value of cos? B + sin? B under the root sign is 1

Find the value of sin? 20 + cos? 80 + root three sin? 20cos80


Y = the domain value of the radical [sin (COS α)] Y = the domain value of the radical [sin (COS α)]


Function y = 1 / 2 cos2x root sign 3sinx * cosx 1 when x [0, Pai], the increasing interval is

Y = 1 / 2 cos2x + Radix 3sinx * cosx = sin30cos2x + cos30sin2x = sin (2x + 30)
The increasing range is (0,30) (120180)


According to the meaning of the title
If cosx is not 0, X is not k π + π / 2 (k is an integer)
F (x) = (1-cos2x under radical) / cosx = √ 2 │ SiNx │ / cosx
When SiNx > = 0, cosx is not 0, f (x) = √ 2tanx
The monotone increasing intervals of F (x) are [2K π, 2K π + π / 2) and (2k π + π / 2,2k π + π]
Dangdang SiNx