Root number 12 (root number 75 + 3 times root sign one third root sign 48) results

Root number 12 (root number 75 + 3 times root sign one third root sign 48) results

Original formula = 2 √ 3 (5 √ 3 + 3 √ 3 / 3-4 √ 3)

How to judge whether the root sign calculation is meaningful? The following are some examples: root 3 [negative], root - 3, root (- 3) 2, root 0



See how many times your root sign is even. The root number must be greater than or equal to 0
The tree within the odd root sign can be any real number

How to calculate the value of Radix 5 + 2x Do you want to change the sign in the past


What do you mean by four root sign 20? How much is 2 ^ 25 (4 ^ 20-3 ^ 45 + 2 ^ 5) equal to? How to calculate it? The process should be written clearly! Clearly put the 30 point reward of my church Sit and wait


What's the meaning of the root of mathematics? How to use the root to calculate

For example, the square of 1 is 1 and the square of 2 is 4
Do you understand that number two is the number one

How to calculate 3 / (root 6 - root 3)?

=3 × (root 6 + root 3) / (root 6 - root 3) × (root 6 + root 3)
=3 × (root 6 + root 3) / (6-3)
=(root 6 + root 3)

I want someone to tell me how to calculate the square root Multiply the roots, or multiply the roots and numbers, add the roots, divide the roots, and multiply the denominators of the roots. If there is any situation, write it and let me learn,

Let me give you an example
When the root is multiplied by the root sign, the root sign three times the root sign two is the root sign three times two, equal to the root sign six
If the number is a decimal, it is best to turn it into a fraction. If the number is a fraction, it is best to turn it into a false fraction
In addition, only if the root index is the same and the number of roots is the same, can the root be added. For example, the root two plus the root two is twice the root two
The root three plus the root five can't be added. Just write it like this
If the root sign is divided by the root sign, it is two-thirds under the root sign, and the denominator is rational
What does the root and denominator multiply each other
Hand to hand

How do you calculate the root

Manual root method, only applicable to any integer or finite decimal square
Because it is impossible to write complex formulas on the Internet, we can only write them as much as possible, and then explain them orally
Suppose an integer 1456456, the root sign should start with a single digit, and mark every two digits. If you use 'here, the mark will become 1'45'64'56. Then add 0 after the decimal point according to the number of decimal places you want to open. If the example here is opened to integer, two zeros will be added. (the reason, etc. will be understood after understanding the method.) the solution is as follows:
Several problems need to be explained in the solution
1. There is no meaning in the formula. It is because there is no typesetting on the Internet, so it is added in order to arrange the layout neatly
2, in order to distinguish the decimal point, so the decimal point is represented by. And all. Are for typesetting
3. Except for the "in 1'45'64'56" which has a special meaning and is useful in solving problems, the others are added for typesetting and alignment, indicating the source of numbers, and the cancellation has no effect
Step (1) means to square the number in front of the first 'from the left, that is, to square the 1 in this question
Step (2) means to write down the number between the second 'sign and the first' sign, i.e. 45, as the dividend. Multiply the number 1 obtained and written above in the previous step by 20 as part of the divisor. The other part has to judge to get a number a, so that the divisor is (1 * 20 + a), and the quotient is also a. in this step, it is determined that a should be 2, so the divisor is 22, And 2 is written above as quotient, to the right of 1
Step (3) move down the remainder 1 calculated by the division method in the previous step, and at the same time move down the number 64 between the third 'sign and the second' sign to form the numeral 164 as the dividend. Then repeat the above method, multiply the number 12 written above by 20, and add a number that can be used as the quotient of this step to form the divisor, So the divisor is 240, the quotient is 0, write it up, and 164 moves down as the remainder
Step (4), if you can understand the previous step, this step is actually just the previous repetition. Move 164 and 56 down to form the dividend 16456. Then 120 times 20 and add 6 to form the divisor. At the same time, 6 itself is the quotient to get the remainder 2020
Step (5) is still repeated. It should be noted that for the number after the decimal point, it is OK to use 0 to fill the digits, and it is still two digits plus a 'sign. The practice remains unchanged
The above is the basic steps. To sum up, first quantile, and then square the first quantile. If there is a remainder, you want to move down and form the dividend with the second quantile. The divisor is composed of the quotient obtained before multiplied by 20 plus a certain number, and this number will appear as quotient in this step, so which number is 0-9, You have to do mental or mental arithmetic to judge, get the remainder, and then move down, until you get the answer
It is also stated that the remainder obtained in each step must not be larger than the divisor or less than 0, otherwise it is invalid, indicating that the number of quotient is wrong
In the middle school stage, involving the calculation of square root, one is to look up the mathematical table, the other is to use a calculator. While in solving problems, the most commonly used is to use the decomposition of the prime factor number to solve. For example, simplify √ 1024, because 1024 = 2 ^ 10, so
For example, √ 1256 = √ (2 ^ 3 * 157) = 2 * √ (2 * 157) = 2 √ 314
If you want to calculate the square root of arithmetic by hand, there is an appendix after the square root in the second algebra of junior high school, which is very detailed
For example, √ 37625
① Divide 37625 from bits to the left and divide every two bits into sections: 3,76,25
② Find a maximum number so that its square is not greater than the number in the first section. Get 1 (the square of 1 is 1, and the square of 2 is 4, greater than 3, so we get 1). Write 1 above 3 in the vertical type
③ Write the square of the square below 3 in the vertical column and subtract it. Then write 76 on the line (as shown in the figure)
④ This so-called a needs to be tested to make its product with (20 + a) maximum and not more than 276
⑤ Multiply 9 by 29 and subtract with 276. Write the difference below
⑥ If the last remainder is 0, then the arithmetic square root of the number is a rational number; if the square root of the number is a decimal, the decimal part starts from the tenth place, and every two decimal places are divided into one section

How to calculate the square of (root x + 1) (x ≥ 0)?

The square of a number equals the absolute value of a number
Because x > = 0, then x + 1 > 0, the absolute value is itself
So the conclusion should be x + 1