All the math formulas for grades one through six

All the math formulas for grades one through six

The number of copies per copy = the total number of copies △ the number of copies = the total number of copies △ the number of copies = 1 times × multiple = several times several times △ 1 times = several times △ times = 1 times speed × time = distance △ time = speed unit price × quantity = total price of total price △ unit price of quantity

Yes, just the sixth grade formula

1、 Use letters to represent the laws or properties of operations
Commutative law of addition: a + B = B + a additive combination law: (a + b) + C = a + (B + C)
Multiplicative commutative law: ab = Ba multiplicative associative law: (AB) C = a (BC) multiplicative distributive law: a (B + C) = AB + AC
2、 Calculation formula of geometric figure
(1) Perimeter: the length of a circle around an object
① Rectangle perimeter = (length + width) × 2 C = (a + b) × 2 ② square perimeter = side length × 4 C = 4A
③ Circumference of a circle = Pi × diameter = Pi × radius × 2 C = π D C = 2 π R
(2) Area: the size of the surface or enclosed figure of an object
① Area of rectangle = length × width s = ab ② area of square = side length × side length s = a * a = A2
③ Area of parallelogram = base × height s = ah ④ area of triangle = base × height △ 2 s = ah △ 2
⑤ Area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 s = (a + b) H △ 2 6 area of circle = circumference × radius s = π R2
⑦ Diameter d = 2R radius = diameter △ 2 r = D △ 2 8 annular area = outer circle area - inner circle area s ring = s outer - s inner circle area
The area formula of plane figure is based on the formula of rectangle area. For example, two identical triangles and trapezoids can be combined into a parallelogram. The length of a circle is 1 / 2C and the width is r
(3) Surface area: the sum of the areas of all the faces of a solid figure is called its surface area
① The surface area of cuboid = (length × width + length × height + width × height) × 2 s = 2 (AB + ah + BH)
② The surface area of cube = edge length × edge length × 6 s = a × a × 6 = 6A2
③ Side area of cylinder = perimeter of bottom surface × height s = ch = 2 π RH
④ The surface area of the cylinder = side area + bottom area × 2 s = ch + 2 π R2 = 2 π RH + 2 π R2
Note: when the circumference and height of the bottom surface of the cylinder are equal, the side expansion is square, C = H 2 π r = H
(4) Volume: the size of space occupied by an object is called volume
① Volume of cuboid = length × width × height v = ABH ② volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a × a × a = A3
③ Volume of cylinder = bottom area × height v = sh = π r2h ④ volume of cone = bottom area × height △ 3 V = 1 / 3SH = 1 / 3 π r2h
The volume formula of cuboid, cube and cylinder can be unified as: v = sh, i.e. bottom area × height
The height of cone is three times as high as that of cuboid, cube and cylinder
3、 Quantitative relation
1. Number of copies × number of copies = total number of copies △ number of copies = total number of copies
2 unit price × quantity = total price of total price × unit price = total quantity price × quantity = unit price
Speed = Time Travel
4 work efficiency × working hours = total amount of work, total amount of work × work efficiency = total amount of work per hour, work time = work efficiency
5. Addend + addend = and - one addend = another
6. Subtraction minus = subtraction subtraction = subtraction difference + subtraction = subtraction
7. Factor × factor = product product △ one factor = another factor
8. Divisor △ divisor = quotient divisor △ quotient = divisor quotient × divisor = divisor × quotient + remainder
Note: 0.3 ÷ 0.2 = 1.0.1 the divisor and the dividend are increased by 100 times at the same time, the quotient remains unchanged, and the remainder is also increased by 100 times
9 Average = total number of shares average speed = total distance / total time
10. Encounter problem encounter distance = speed and X encounter time encounter time = encounter distance △ speed sum
Speed sum = distance of meeting △ time of meeting one person's speed = distance of meeting △ time of meeting - speed of another person
(2) velocity + average upstream travel time
12. Concentration problem: solute (drug) + solvent (water) = solution (medicated solution) solute (drug) / solution (liquid medicine) = concentration
Solution (liquid medicine) × concentration = solute (drug) × concentration = solution (liquid medicine)
13. Discount problem: discount = current price + original price (discount < 1) current price = original price × discount original price = current price + discount
Interest = principal × annual interest rate × time (year) = principal × monthly interest rate × time (month)
14 scale = distance on the map + actual distance actual distance = distance on the map + scale distance on the map = actual distance × scale
After tax interest = principal × interest rate × time × (1-5%)
15 pursuit and problem tracing and distance = speed difference × pursuit and time pursuit and time = pursuit and distance / speed difference
Speed difference = pursuit distance ×pursuit time
Easy to get wrong questions: 1. The circumference and area are not equal. 2. The area of the circle is not proportional to the radius. 3. The difference between increase and expansion, reduction and reduction. 4. The calculation of the number and area of tiles. 5. The advance rate of time is 60. The advance rate of square meter and hectare is 100006, 7. Pay attention to the unity of units when filling in the blanks and practical problems (easy to make mistakes); when it is required to keep them, there is no need to use any method, but "round off" or "forward method" should be combined with the actual situation. 8. When calculating the surface area, which surface should be calculated according to the actual situation. 9. The forward distance of wheel and roller is perimeter × revolution. 10. The rewriting of number is expressed by decimal point, 11. A triangle of equal base and equal height is half of the area of a parallelogram; a cylinder of equal base and equal height is three times the volume of a cone. 12. The speed and time are inversely proportional to the distance. For example, the time ratio of a and B on the same road is 5:4, A. The speed ratio of B is 4:5. (the total amount of work is similar). 13. When you see the height and the vertical line, think of the right angle (symbol). 14. The straight line between two points is the shortest, and the vertical section between the point and line is the shortest. Rotating around a point is to make the vertical lines of the two sides related to the point, 15. Pay attention to the observation points when determining the direction. 16. Pay attention to the number that is a little different from the integer when calculating. For example, pay attention to the analysis of common or invariants in the analysis of practical problems, 18. The area ratio of the two circles is square times of the radius ratio; the area expansion of the figure is the square times of the side length

Mathematics formula of grade six primary school (Volume 1) To be very detailed Oh! Help immediately after the points

Let me give it to you! 1. Square C perimeter s area a side length perimeter = side length × 4 C = 4A area = side length × side length s = a × a 2. Cube V: Volume A: edge length surface area = edge length × edge length × 6 s surface = a × a × 6 volume = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a × a × a 3

Mathematics formula from grade 1 to grade 6 I'd better see it clearly

Length s area a side length perimeter = side length × 4 C = 4A area = side length × side length s = a × a
2. Cube V: Volume A: edge length surface area = edge length × edge length × 6 s surface = a × a × 6 volume = edge length × edge length × edge length v = a × a × a
3. Rectangle
C perimeter s area a side length
Perimeter = (length + width) × 2
Area = length × width
4. Cuboid
5: Volume s: Area A: length B: width H: height
(1) Surface area (L × W + L × H + W × h) × 2
(2) Volume = length × width × height
5 triangle
S area a bottom h height
Area = bottom × height △ 2
Triangle height = area × 2 △ bottom
Triangle base = area × 2 △ height
6 parallelogram
S area a bottom h height
Area = bottom × height
7 trapezoid
S area a upper bottom B bottom h height
Area = (bottom + bottom) × height △ 2
s=(a+b)× h÷2
8 round
S area C circumference Π d = diameter r = radius
(1) Circumference = diameter ×Π = 2 ×Π × radius
(2) Area = radius x radius x Π
9 cylinder
v: Volume H: height s; bottom area R: bottom radius C: bottom perimeter
(1) Side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height
(2) Surface area = side area + bottom area × 2
(3) Volume = bottom area × height
(4) Volume = side area △ 2 × radius
10 cones
v: Volume H: height s; bottom area R: bottom radius
Volume = bottom area × height △ 3
Total number of copies = average
The formula of sum difference problem
(sum + difference) △ 2 = large number
(sum difference) 2 = decimal
The problem of sum times
And △ (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or sum decimal = large number)
Differential multiple problem
Difference × (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or decimal + difference = large number)
Tree planting
1. Tree planting on non closed lines can be divided into the following three situations:
(1) if trees are to be planted at both ends of an unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments + 1 = total length △ plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants - 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants - 1)
(2) if trees are to be planted at one end of an unclosed line and not at the other end, then:
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
(3) if trees are not planted at both ends of the unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments-1 = total length × plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants + 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants + 1)
2 the quantitative relationship of tree planting on closed lines is as follows
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
Profit and loss
(profit + loss) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large profit small profit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large deficit small deficit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
Encounter problem
Encounter distance = speed and X encounter time
Encounter time = encounter distance △ speed sum
Speed sum = encounter distance △ encounter time
Follow up on Problems
Chase distance = speed difference × pursuit time
Catching time = chasing distance △ speed difference
Speed difference = pursuit distance ×pursuit time
Flow problems
Downstream velocity = still water velocity + current velocity
Countercurrent velocity = still water velocity current velocity
Still water speed = (forward speed + reverse speed) ÷ 2
Flow velocity = (downstream velocity - countercurrent velocity) × 2
Concentration problem
Weight of solute + weight of solvent = weight of solution
Weight of solute × weight of solution × 100% = concentration
Weight of solution × concentration = weight of solute
Weight of solute △ concentration = weight of solution
Profit and discount
Profit = selling price - cost
Profit rate = profit + cost × 100% = (selling price + cost-1) × 100%
Up / down amount = principal × up / down percentage
Discount = actual price × original price × 100% (discount < 1)
Interest = principal × interest rate × time
After tax interest = principal × interest rate × time × (1-20%)
Calculation formula of perimeter area volume of primary school mathematics geometry
1. The circumference of a rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C = (a + b) × 2
2. Circumference of square = side length × 4, C = 4A
3. Area of rectangle = length × width s = ab
4. Area of square = side length × side length s = A.A = a
5. Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2 s = ah △ 2
6. Area of parallelogram = base × height s = ah
7. Trapezoid area = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 s = (a + b) H △ 2
8. Diameter = radius × 2 D = 2R radius = diameter △ 2 r = D △ 2
9. Circumference of a circle = circumference × diameter = circumference × radius × 2 C = π d = 2 π R
10. The area of a circle = circumference × radius × radius
1. Number of copies × number of copies = total number of copies / number of copies = total number of copies / number of copies = number of copies
2. 1 times × multiple = several times several times △ 1 times = multiple several times × = 1 times
3. Speed × time = distance / distance / speed = time / distance / time = speed
4. Unit price × quantity = total price / unit price = total quantity / total price / quantity = unit price
5. Work efficiency × working time = total work, total amount of work, work efficiency = working time, total amount of work, working time = work efficiency
6. Addend + addend = and - one addend = another
7. Subtraction minus = subtraction subtraction = subtraction difference + subtraction = subtraction
8. Factor × factor = product product △ one factor = another factor
9. Divisor △ divisor = quotient divisor △ quotient = divisor quotient × divisor = divisor
Total number of copies = average
The formula of sum difference problem
(sum + difference) △ 2 = large number
(sum difference) 2 = decimal
The problem of sum times
And △ (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or sum decimal = large number)
Differential multiple problem
Difference × (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or decimal + difference = large number)
Tree planting
1. Tree planting on non closed lines can be divided into the following three situations:
(1) if trees are to be planted at both ends of an unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments + 1 = total length △ plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants - 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants - 1)
(2) if trees are to be planted at one end of an unclosed line and not at the other end, then:
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
(3) if trees are not planted at both ends of the unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments-1 = total length × plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants + 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants + 1)
2 the quantitative relationship of tree planting on closed lines is as follows
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
Profit and loss
(profit + loss) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large profit small profit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large deficit small deficit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
Encounter problem
Encounter distance = speed and X encounter time
Encounter time = encounter distance △ speed sum
Speed sum = encounter distance △ encounter time
Follow up on Problems
Chase distance = speed difference × pursuit time
Catching time = chasing distance △ speed difference
Speed difference = pursuit distance ×pursuit time
Flow problems
Downstream velocity = still water velocity + current velocity
Countercurrent velocity = still water velocity current velocity
Still water velocity = (downstream velocity + countercurrent velocity) × 2
Flow velocity = (downstream velocity - countercurrent velocity) × 2
Concentration problem
Weight of solute + weight of solvent = weight of solution
Weight of solute × weight of solution × 100% = concentration
Weight of solution × concentration = weight of solute
Weight of solute △ concentration = weight of solution
Profit and discount
Profit = selling price - cost
Profit rate = profit + cost × 100% = (selling price + cost-1) × 100%
Up / down amount = principal × up / down percentage
Discount = actual price × original price × 100% (discount < 1)
Interest = principal × interest rate × time
After tax interest = principal × interest rate × time × (1-20%)
Length Conversion
1 km = 1000 m, 1 m = 10 decimeters
1 decimeter = 10 cm, 1 meter = 100 cm
1 cm = 10 mm
Area Conversion
1 sq km = 100 ha
1 ha = 10000 M2
1 square meter = 100 square decimeter
1 square decimeter = 100 square centimeter
1 square centimeter = 100 square millimeter
Volume (volume) unit conversion
1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeters
1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter
1 cubic decimeter = 1 liter
1 cc = 1 ml
1 cubic meter = 1000 liters
Conversion of weight units
1 ton = 1000 kg
1 kg = 1000 g
1 kg = 1 kg
Unit conversion of RMB
1 yuan = 10 Jiao
1 angle = 10 points
1 yuan = 100 points
time conversion
1 century = 100 years, 1 year = December
The big months (31 days) are: January, March, may, July, August, October and December
Small months (30 days): April, June, September and November
February 28 in normal year and February 29 in leap year
There are 365 days in a normal year and 366 days in a leap year
1 day = 24 hours, 1 hour = 60 minutes
1 minute = 60 seconds, 1 hour = 3600 seconds
Calculation formula of perimeter area volume of primary school mathematics geometry
1. The circumference of a rectangle = (length + width) × 2 C = (a + b) × 2
2. Circumference of square = side length × 4, C = 4A
3. Area of rectangle = length × width s = ab
4. Area of square = side length × side length s = A.A = a
5. Area of triangle = bottom × height △ 2 s = ah △ 2
6. Area of parallelogram = base × height s = ah
7. Trapezoid area = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 s = (a + b) H △ 2
8. Diameter = radius × 2 D = 2R radius = diameter △ 2 r = D △ 2
9. Circumference of a circle = circumference × diameter = circumference × radius × 2 C = π d = 2 π R
10. The area of a circle = circumference × radius × radius

How to use formula to calculate the total score of Chinese * 0.6 + Math * 0.7 + English * 0.8 in spreadsheet

Send the question as the content (the subject of the email must include the word "excel") and the sample table (please pay special attention to: the version 03 should express the status quo and the target effect) as an attachment [email protected]

How to say math and Chinese in English?

Maths Chinese

Mathematical formula and definition of grade one to grade six in primary school

1 number of copies × number of copies = total number
Total number △ number of copies = number of copies
Total number of copies = number of copies
21 times × multiple = several times
Several times △ 1 times = Multiple
Several times △ times = 1 times
3 speed x time = distance
Distance △ speed = time
Distance △ time = speed
4 unit price × quantity = total price
Total price / unit price = quantity
Total price / quantity = unit price
5 work efficiency x working time = total work
Total work △ work efficiency = working time
Total work × working time = work efficiency
6 addend + addend = and
Sum - one addend = another
7 minuend minus = difference
Minus minus = minus
Difference + subtraction = minuend
8 factor × factor = product
Product △ one factor = another
9 divisor △ divisor = quotient
Divisor △ quotient = divisor
Quotient × divisor = divisor
Primary school mathematics figure calculation formula
1 square
C perimeter s area a side length
Perimeter = side length × 4
Area = side length × side length
2 cube
5: Volume a: edge length
Surface area = edge length × edge length × 6
S table = a × a × 6
Volume = edge length × edge length × edge length
3 rectangle
C perimeter s area a side length
Perimeter = (length + width) × 2
Area = length × width
4 cuboid
5: Volume s: Area A: length B: width H: height
(1) Surface area = (length × width + length × height + width × height) × 2
(2) Volume = length × width × height
5 triangle
S area a bottom h height
Area = bottom × height △ 2
Triangle height = area × 2 △ bottom
Triangle base = area × 2 △ height
6 parallelogram
S area a bottom h height
Area = bottom × height
7 trapezoid
S area a upper bottom B bottom h height
Area = (bottom + bottom) × height △ 2
s=(a+b)× h÷2
8 round
S area C circumference Π d = diameter r = radius
(1) Circumference = diameter ×Π = 2 ×Π × radius
(2) Area = radius x radius x Π
9 cylinder
v: Volume H: height s; bottom area R: bottom radius C: bottom perimeter
(1) Side area = perimeter of bottom surface × height
(2) Surface area = side area + bottom area × 2
(3) Volume = bottom area × height
(4) Volume = side area △ 2 × radius
10 cones
v: Volume H: height s; bottom area R: bottom radius
Volume = bottom area × height △ 3
The formula of sum difference problem;
Total number of copies = average
(sum + difference) △ 2 = large number
(sum difference) 2 = decimal
The problem of sum times
And △ (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or sum decimal = large number)
Differential multiple problem
Difference × (multiple-1) = decimal
Decimal × multiple = large number
(or decimal + difference = large number)
Tree planting
1. Tree planting on non closed lines can be divided into the following three situations:
(1) if trees are to be planted at both ends of an unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments + 1 = total length △ plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants - 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants - 1)
(2) if trees are to be planted at one end of an unclosed line and not at the other end, then:
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
(3) if trees are not planted at both ends of the unclosed line, then:
Number of plants = number of segments-1 = total length × plant spacing-1
Total length = plant spacing × (number of plants + 1)
Plant spacing = total length × (number of plants + 1)
2 the quantitative relationship of tree planting on closed lines is as follows
Number of plants = number of segments = total length × plant spacing
Total length = spacing × number of trees
Plant spacing = total length △ number of trees
Profit and loss
(profit + loss) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large profit small profit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
(large deficit small deficit) × the difference between the two distributions = the number of shares participating in the distribution
Encounter problem
Encounter distance = speed and X encounter time
Encounter time = encounter distance △ speed sum
Speed sum = encounter distance △ encounter time
Follow up on Problems
Chase distance = speed difference × pursuit time
Catching time = chasing distance △ speed difference
Speed difference = pursuit distance ×pursuit time
Flow problems
Downstream velocity = still water velocity + current velocity
Countercurrent velocity = still water velocity current velocity
Still water speed = (forward speed + reverse speed) ÷ 2
Flow velocity = (downstream velocity - countercurrent velocity) × 2
Concentration problem
Weight of solute + weight of solvent = weight of solution
Weight of solute × weight of solution × 100% = concentration
Weight of solution × concentration = weight of solute
Weight of solute △ concentration = weight of solution
Profit and discount
Profit = selling price - cost
Profit rate = profit + cost × 100% = (selling price + cost-1) × 100%
Up / down amount = principal × up / down percentage
Discount = actual price × original price × 100% (discount < 1)
Interest = principal × interest rate × time
After tax interest = principal × interest rate × time × (1-20%)

Grade 6 all mathematical formula concepts (PEP) to complete!

The area of triangle = base × height △ 2. Formula s = a × h △ 2
Area of square = side length × side length formula s = a × a
Area of rectangle = length × width formula s = a × B
The area of parallelogram = base × height formula s = a × H
The area of trapezoid = (upper bottom + bottom) × height △ 2 Formula s = (a + b) H △ 2
Sum of interior angles: sum of interior angles of triangles = 180 degrees
Volume of cuboid = length × width × height formula: v = ABH
The volume of cuboid (or cube) = base area × height formula: v = ABH
Volume of cube = edge length × edge length × edge length formula: v = AAA
Circle circumference = diameter × π formula: l = π d = 2 π R
Area of circle = radius × radius × π formula: S = π R2
The surface (side) area of a cylinder: the surface (side) area of the cylinder is equal to the perimeter of the bottom surface multiplied by the height. The formula: S = ch = π DH = 2 π RH
The surface area of the cylinder: the surface area of the cylinder is equal to the perimeter of the bottom surface multiplied by the height, plus the area of the circle at both ends. The formula: S = ch + 2S = ch + 2 π R2
Volume of a cylinder: the volume of a cylinder is equal to the area of the base multiplied by the height. Formula: v = sh
The volume of the cone is 1 / 3 bottom surface × product height. Formula: v = 1 / 3SH
The rule of addition and subtraction of fractions: adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator only adds and subtracts molecules, and the denominator remains unchanged. Fractions with different denominators are added and subtracted first, then added and subtracted
The multiplication rule of fractions: use the product of molecules as the numerator and the product of denominator as denominator
Division of fractions: dividing by a number is equal to multiplying the reciprocal of that number
Read and understand the application of the following definition theorem property formula
1、 Arithmetic
1. Additive commutative law: two numbers add to exchange the position of the adder, and the sum remains unchanged
2. Law of combination of addition: when three numbers are added, the first two numbers are added, or the last two numbers are added first, and then the third number is added, and the sum remains unchanged
3. The commutative law of multiplication
4. The law of combination of multiplication: when three numbers are multiplied, the first two numbers are multiplied, or the last two numbers are multiplied first, and then the third number is multiplied, and their product remains unchanged
5. Distributive law of multiplication: when the sum of two numbers is multiplied by the same number, two adders can be multiplied with this number respectively, and then the two products are added together, and the result remains unchanged
For example: (2 + 4) × 5 = 2 × 5 + 4 × 5
6. The nature of division: in division, the divisor and the divisor expand (or shrink) the same multiple at the same time, and the quotient remains unchanged. O is divided by any number that is not o and gets o
Simple multiplication: multiplication with o at the end of the multiplicand and can be multiplied first. Zero does not participate in the operation. Several zeros are dropped and added to the end of the product
7. What is an equation? An equation where the value on the left of the equal sign is equal to the value on the right of the equal sign
It's called an equation
The basic property of the equation: both sides of the equation are multiplied (or divided) by the same number,
The equation still holds
8. What is an equation? A: an equation with unknowns is called an equation
9. What is a unary linear equation? A: an equation with an unknown number and the degree of the unknown number is one degree is called a one variable linear equation
Learn the example method and calculation of one variable linear equation
10. Fraction: the unit "1" is divided into several equal parts, which represents such a share or fraction
11. The rule of addition and subtraction of fractions: adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator only adds and subtracts molecules, and the denominator remains the same. Fractions with different denominators are added and subtracted first, then added and subtracted
12. Comparison of fractions: compared with fractions of the same denominator, the larger the numerator is, the smaller the smaller. When comparing the fractions of different denominators, first divide them first and then compare them; if the molecules are the same, the larger denominator will be smaller
13. The numerator is the product of the numerator of the fraction and the multiplication of the integer
14. Multiply fractions by fractions, using the product of the multiplication of molecules as the numerator, and the product multiplied by the denominator as the denominator
15. A fraction divided by an integer (except 0) equals the fraction multiplied by the reciprocal of the integer
16. True fraction: a fraction whose numerator is smaller than the denominator is called a true fraction
17. False fraction: a fraction whose numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator is called a false fraction. A false fraction is greater than or equal to 1
18. With fraction: write false fraction into integer and true fraction form, called with fraction
19. Basic properties of fractions: the numerator and denominator of a fraction are multiplied or divided by the same number at the same time
(except 0), the size of the fraction does not change
20. A number divided by a fraction is equal to the number multiplied by the reciprocal of the fraction
21. Number a divided by number B (except 0) is equal to the reciprocal of number a multiplied by number B
1. Unit price × quantity = total price 2. Unit output × quantity = total output
3. Speed × time = distance 4, efficiency × time = total work
5. Addend + addend = and one addend = and + another addend
Minus minus = subtraction = subtraction = subtraction minus subtraction = subtraction + subtraction
Product of a factor = another factor
Divisor △ divisor = quotient divisor = divisor △ quotient divisor = quotient × divisor
Division with remainder: divisor = quotient × divisor + remainder
If a number is divided by two numbers continuously, you can first multiply the last two numbers and then use their product to remove this number. The result remains unchanged
6. 1km = 1km, 1km = 1000M
1 meter = 10 decimeter 1 decimeter = 10 cm 1 cm = 10 mm
1 square meter = 100 square decimeter 1 square decimeter = 100 square centimeter
1 square centimeter = 100 square millimeter
1 cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeter 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 cubic centimeter
1 cubic centimeter = 1000 cubic millimeter
1 ton = 1000 kg, 1 kg = 1000 g = 1 kg = 1 kg
1 hectare = 10000 square meters. 1 mu = 666.666 square meters
1 liter = 1 cubic decimeter = 1000 ml, 1 ml = 1 cubic centimeter
7. What is ratio: the division of two numbers is called the ratio of two numbers. For example: 2 △ 5 or 3:6 or 1 / 3
Both the preceding and subsequent terms of a ratio are multiplied or divided by an identical number (except 0)
8. What is proportion: the formula that indicates that two ratios are equal is called proportion. For example, 3:6 = 9:18
9. The basic nature of proportion: in proportion, the product of two external terms is equal to the product of two internal terms
10. Solution ratio: find the unknown term in the ratio, which is called solution proportion. For example, 3: χ = 9:18
11. Positive proportion: two related quantities, one of which changes, and the other follows. If the corresponding ratio (i.e. quotient K) of the two quantities is fixed, the two quantities are called positive proportional quantities, and their relationship is called positive proportional relationship. For example, Y / x = K (k is certain) or KX = y
12. Inverse proportion: two related quantities, one of which changes, and the other also changes. If the product of two corresponding numbers in these two quantities is fixed, the two quantities are called inversely proportional quantities, and their relationship is called inverse proportional relationship. For example, X × y = K (k is certain) or K / x = y
Percentage: a number indicating the percentage of one number to another. It is also called percentage
13、 To convert a decimal into a percentage, just move the decimal point two places to the right and add a percentage sign at the same time. In fact, to convert a decimal into a percentage, just multiply the decimal by 100%
To change a percentage into a decimal, just remove the percent sign and move the decimal point two places to the left
14. In fact, to convert a fraction into a percentage, you should first convert the fraction into a decimal (usually three decimal places are reserved when the division is not complete), and then convert the decimal into a percentage. In fact, to convert a fraction into a percentage, you should first convert the fraction into a decimal and then multiply it by 100%
Change percentage into fraction, first rewrite percentage into fraction, and reduce offer into simplest fraction
15. We should learn how to turn decimal into fraction and how to turn fraction into decimal
16. Greatest common divisor: a number that can be divisible by the same number at one time is called the greatest common divisor of these numbers
17. Coprime: two numbers whose common divisor is 1 are called coprime numbers
18. Least common multiple: the common multiple of several numbers, which is called the common multiple of these numbers
19. General division: the division of fractions with different denominators into fractions with the same denominator as the original fraction is called general division
20. Divisor: to convert a fraction into a fraction equal to it, but with a smaller numerator and denominator, is called a divisor
The simplest fraction: the fraction whose numerator and denominator are coprime numbers is called the simplest fraction
At the end of the score calculation, the number must be reduced to the simplest fraction
All numbers with 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 in a bit can be divisible by 2, that is, they can be carried out by 2
The number of 0 or 5 in a bit can be divisible by 5, that is to say, 5 can be used for division
22. Even and odd: the number divisible by 2 is called even. The number divisible by 2 is called odd
Prime number (prime): a number is called a prime number if it has only two divisors of 1 and itself
Sum: a number, if there are other divisors other than 1 and itself, is called a composite number. 1 is neither prime nor composite
28. Interest = principal × interest rate × time (time is generally in year or month, which should correspond to the unit of interest rate)
Interest rate: the ratio of interest to principal is called interest rate. The ratio of interest to principal in a year is called annual interest rate. The ratio of interest to principal in January is called monthly interest rate
Natural number: an integer used to represent the number of objects, called natural number. 0 is also a natural number
31. Circular decimal: a decimal, from a certain place of the decimal part, a number or several numbers appear repeatedly in turn. Such a decimal is called a circular decimal. For example, 3.141414
32. Non cyclic decimal: a decimal, starting from the decimal part, there is no number or several numbers repeatedly appearing in turn. Such a decimal is called an acyclic decimal
Such as 3. 141592654
33. Infinite acyclic decimal: a decimal, starting from the decimal part to the infinite number of digits, does not have a number or several numbers repeatedly appear in turn. Such a decimal is called an infinite non cyclic decimal. For example, 3. 141592654
What is algebra? Algebra is the substitution of letters for numbers
What is an algebraic expression? An expression expressed in letters is called an algebraic expression. For example, 3x = (a + b)

Primary school all (PEP) To all, but also equal relationship! Also want all If the divisor is equal to the divisor's quotient (I'm learning negative proportion and positive proportion now. I don't listen to class, so I come to ask for advice.)

The number of copies per copy = the total number of copies △ the number of copies per copy = the total number of copies △ the number of copies = the number of copies per copy 21 times × multiple = several times several times △ 1 times = several times several times △ 1 times = Times several times + 3 times = distance + speed = time distance + time = speed 4 unit price × quantity = total

Unit 4 four words four sentences The meaning of English and Chinese is complete

Unit 4: Hobby likes ride a bike -- riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites, He likes collecting stamps, too. 3. Does she teach math? Yes, she does. Does he teach English? No, she doesn't
It's volume one. This is volume two
Sing and dance sing and dance sing and dance sing and dance eat good food eat good food take pictures take pictures photograph climb climb have had buy presents buy presents buy presents Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang. How did you go there? I went by train