Moving a match: 245-127 = 398

Moving a match: 245-127 = 398




Move a matchstick to the correct formula 11 + 1 + 1-111 = 4


1 + 11 + 7 = 7 move only one matchstick to make the equation true


Move a matchstick to make the equation true: 14 + 14 + 7 = 11


Move a matchstick so that the equation holds 21 + 35 = 68


21 + 35 = 68 move a match into an equation

8 the middle horizontal match moves to 5, 8 becomes 0, 5 becomes 9, that is, 21 + 39 = 60

Match stick math problem: 6-112 + 41 = 7 1 represents a match. How to move two matches to make the equation hold?

Easy to do, change 6 to 0, remove the + in front of 41 and change a match into - and then move this match to front of 112 to make - become+
That is: 0 + 112-41 = 71

Match stick math problem: 6-112 + 41 = 7 represents a match. How to move two matches to make the equation hold? No one after seven

Change 6 to 0, remove the + in front of 41 and change a match into - and then move this match to front of 112 to make - become+

Proof of basic inequality in senior one mathematics Given a, B ∈ R + and a + B = 1, it is proved that: (1 + 1 / a) (1 + 1 / b) ≥ 9 Given that x > 1, compare the size relation of X + 1 / X-1 and 3 and point out the value of X when it is equal The steps of solving problems are not important. The key is to write down the solution ideas, that is, why to solve such problems, how to think, what skills or methods to solve such problems, new knowledge is not familiar, hope specific point thank you

The original formula = [(1 + a) / a] * [(1 + b) / b]
Question two
Original formula = 1 + 2 / (x-1)
The value of X is obtained by discussing the situation
The first question is mainly to rely on X + 1 / x > = 2 * x * (1 / x)
The second question is to simplify and then discuss the classification