62-63 = 1 move a number to make the equation true, and cannot move the operation symbol

62-63 = 1 move a number to make the equation true, and cannot move the operation symbol

Move 6 of 62 to the upper right corner of 2, which is the sixth power of 2

62-63 = 1 move a symbol, can't move a number, how to make the equation hold



Remove a match under "2" under the division sign and place it on top of 11 on the right
It becomes: 22 / 7 = π
So this equation can be regarded as tenable

74-4 = 4 can only move one match for the equation to hold

7 + 1 - 4 = 4. Move the match which is slanted by 4 in 74 and put it before the minus sign to get the equation

Move a number in the equation so that 101 - 102 = 1 holds You can only move numbers, but you can't swap numbers or move symbols.

Move 2 over 10 and square it

Move a matchstick, so that 1x4 = 44 set up, which shrimp help! Thank you, ah, primary school third grade mathematics problem, seems to be Olympiad number problem!


Match stick math problem: 15 × 5 = 85 move a match to make the equation true


Only move a match to make the equation hold. 12-5 = 9,13-3 = 8,18-9 = 8,16-9 = 5

12-5 = 9 changes 5 to 3 12-3 = 9
13-3 = 8 turns 3 into 5, 13-5 = 8
18-9 = 8, turn 18 into 16, 9 into 8, 16-8 = 8
16-9 = 5 change 16 to 15, 5 to 6, 15-9 = 6

Please fill in the number represented by a in the question to make the equation true (1)a-a=a×a;  a=______ ; (2)a×a=a÷a; a=______ ; (3)a+a=a÷a;  a=______ ; (4)a+a=a×a; a=______ .

(1) Because, A-A = 0, so, A-A = a × a, a × a = 0, a = 0; (2) because, a △ a = 1, so, a × a = a △ a, a × a = 1, & nbs

Please fill in the number represented by X in the question to make the equation true 1. X minus x = x times x () 2. X multiplied by X + X divided by X () 3. X + x = x divide x () 4.x+x=x-x ( )

1. x=0
2. x=1
3 .x=1/2
4. x=0