Draw the largest circle in a square with a side length of 6cm. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () square centimeter

Draw the largest circle in a square with a side length of 6cm. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () square centimeter

Draw the largest circle in a square with a side length of 6 cm
The maximum radius of the circle is 6  ̄ 2 = 3
Circumference = 3.14 × 3 × 2 = 18.84cm
Area = 3.14 × 3 × 3 = 28.26 square centimeter

The area of a square paper is 100 square centimeters. Cut the paper into the largest circle. The area of the circle is______ Square centimeter

Because 10 × 10 = 100 (square centimeter),
So a square with an area of 100 square centimeters has a side length of 10 centimeters,
So the area of the circle is 3.14 × (10  ̄ 2) 2
=Square centimeter (5.78 cm);
A: the area of this circle is 78.5 square centimeters
So the answer is: 78.5

Draw the largest square in a circle. The circumference of the circle is 9.42 cm. What is the area of this square?

First connect one diagonal line of the square, divide the square into two triangles, and then make the height of the triangle,
The circumference of the circle is 42.9 cm
Then the diameter of the circle = the base of the triangle = 9.42 △ 3.14 = 3cm
Radius of circle = height of triangle = 3 △ 2 = 1.5
Area of square = 2 areas of triangles
=4.5 square centimeter

Draw the largest circle in a square. The circumference of the circle is 6.28 cm. What is the area of the square? What square centimeter is the remaining area?

6.28 △ 3.14 = 2 cm, the diameter of a circle is the side length of a square
2 × 2 = 4 square centimeter square area
4 - 1 × 1 × 3.14 = 0.86 square centimeter of the remaining area

Draw the largest circle in a square. The circumference of the circle is 6.28 cm. What is the area of the square


Draw the largest circle in a square. The circumference of the circle is 12.56 decimeters. The area of the square is______ Square decimeter

Diameter of circle: 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4 (decimeter),
Square area: 4 × 4 = 16 (square decimeter);
A: the area of this square is 16 square decimeters
So the answer is: 16

Draw the largest circle in a square. The circumference of the circle is 12.56 cm. What is the area of this square?



Diameter = 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4
Area = 4 × 4 △ 2 = 8

Draw the largest circle in a square. The circumference of the circle is 12.56 cm. The area of the square is () square centimeter The area of the circle in the sixth grade

2 * 2 = 4
The answer is 4

The circumference of a circle is 12.56 cm. Draw the largest square in the circle, and the square area is () Hurry!

S = a ^ 2 = (2 * √ 2) ^ 2 = 8 (square centimeter)