Who has the PI accurate to 1 to 100?

Who has the PI accurate to 1 to 100?

PI=3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 69399375105820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 34211706798214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 53594081284811174502 8410270193 8521105559 ...

Table of pi from 1 to 100

six point two eight
nine point four two
twelve point five six
fifteen point seven
eighteen point eight four
twenty-one point nine eight
twenty-five point one two
twenty-eight point two six
thirty-four point five four
thirty-seven point six eight
forty point eight two
forty-three point nine six
forty-seven point one
fifty point two four
fifty-three point two eight
fifty-six point five two
fifty-nine point six six
sixty-five point nine four
sixty-nine point zero eight
seventy-two point two two
seventy-five point three six
seventy-eight point five
eighty-one point six four
eighty-four point seven eight
eighty-seven point nine two
ninety-one point zero six
ninety-seven point three four
one hundred point four eight
one hundred and three point six two
one hundred and six point seven six
one hundred and nine point nine
one hundred and thirteen point zero four
one hundred and sixteen point one eight
one hundred and nineteen point three two
one hundred and twenty-two point four six
one hundred and twenty-eight point seven four
one hundred and thirty-one point eight eight
one hundred and thirty-five point zero two
one hundred and thirty-eight point one six
one hundred and forty-one point three
one hundred and forty-four point four four
one hundred and forty-seven point five eight
one hundred and fifty point seven two
one hundred and fifty-three point six eight
one hundred and sixty point one four
one hundred and sixty-three point two eight
one hundred and sixty-six point four two
one hundred and sixty-nine point five six
one hundred and seventy-two point seven
one hundred and seventy-five point eight four
one hundred and seventy-eight point nine eight
one hundred and eighty-two point one two
one hundred and eighty-five point two six
one hundred and ninety-one point five four
one hundred and ninety-four point six eight
one hundred and ninety-seven point eight two
two hundred point nine six
two hundred and four point one
two hundred and seven point two four
two hundred and ten point three eight
two hundred and thirteen point five two
two hundred and sixteen point six six
two hundred and twenty-two point nine four
two hundred and twenty-six point zero eight
two hundred and twenty-nine point two two
two hundred and thirty-two point three six
two hundred and thirty-five point five
two hundred and thirty-eight point six four
two hundred and forty-one point seven eight
two hundred and forty-four point nine two
two hundred and forty-eight point zero six
two hundred and fifty-four point three four
two hundred and fifty-seven point four eight
two hundred and sixty point six two
two hundred and sixty-three point seven six
two hundred and sixty-six point nine
two hundred and seventy point zero four
two hundred and seventy-three point one eight
two hundred and seventy-six point three two
two hundred and seventy-nine point four six
two hundred and eighty-five point seven four
two hundred and eighty-eight point eight eight
two hundred and ninety-two point zero two
two hundred and ninety-five point one six
two hundred and ninety-eight point three
three hundred and one point four four
three hundred and four point five eight
three hundred and seven point seven two
three hundred and ten point eight six
I'm telling you, it's not from the Internet

When the ratio of circumference is constant, the diameter is in positive proportion to the circumference______ (judge right or wrong)

Because: the circumference of the circle △ diameter = π (certain),
That is to say, the quotient of circumference and diameter is certain, which conforms to the meaning of positive proportion
So the answer is: √

If the ratio of circumference is taken as 3, then the circumference of the circle △ radius=

If the ratio of circumference is taken as 3, then the circumference △ radius = 6
Circumference C = 2 π R

The radius of a circle multiplied by pi is equal to(

It's half the circumference of a circle
Because the circumference of a circle is equal to 2 π R, then π R is half the circumference of the circle

The greater the circumference, the smaller the smaller______ (judge right or wrong)

From the analysis, we know that the diameter of the big circle is large, and the circumference of the small circle is small. The ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter is the ratio of the circumference of the circle to its diameter, which does not change with the change of the size of the circle;
So the answer is: wrong

Is the ratio of circumference of small circle equal to that of large circle

Yes, of course!

The Pi of a large circle is greater than that of a small circle______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the definition of PI, PI is the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle. It is a constant and constant. Therefore, the Pi of large circle and small circle is not distinguished
So the answer is: ×

1. The circumference ratio of the big circle is larger than that of the small circle 2. If the circumference of two circles is equal, the area of the two circles must be equal. () 3. If the diameter of a circle is 4cm, its circumference and area are equal. () 4. The longer the radius is, the greater the circumference is and the larger the area is. () 5. A rope of the same length is enclosed into a circle or a square, The area of a circle is larger than that of a square

1. Wrong (PI is a fixed value, regardless of the size of the circle.) 2. Right 3. Wrong (perimeter and area units are different, so they can't be equal.) 4. Wrong (the value of PI is fixed, so it doesn't change with the radius) 5. Right 6. Right

The ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle is the ratio of circumference to diameter, which is a definite number

It must be right!
come on.