Relating to the PI and the circumference of a circle The circumference of a circle = Pi times d or 2 times R. are these two formulas? Are they used to calculate the circumference? If so, then I understand the first formula It's PI times diameter The second one doesn't understand 2 times the radius? 2 times the radius. I understand. It's the diameter and then the circumference But what does the multiplication radius of the 2-fold school represent? What is the multiplication of two 3.14? What does it represent? In addition, what does the PI represent? What is the relationship between PI and radius, diameter and circumference? Please give an example to illustrate What does circumference apart from diameter represent?

Relating to the PI and the circumference of a circle The circumference of a circle = Pi times d or 2 times R. are these two formulas? Are they used to calculate the circumference? If so, then I understand the first formula It's PI times diameter The second one doesn't understand 2 times the radius? 2 times the radius. I understand. It's the diameter and then the circumference But what does the multiplication radius of the 2-fold school represent? What is the multiplication of two 3.14? What does it represent? In addition, what does the PI represent? What is the relationship between PI and radius, diameter and circumference? Please give an example to illustrate What does circumference apart from diameter represent?

The position product of the exchange factor of the multiplication exchange rate does not change, but the constant should be in front of the letter after the writing habit!

Is the circumference of a circle in direct proportion to its ratio

Because Pi is constant
It should be that the circumference of the circle is proportional to the radius (or diameter)

Draw the largest square in a circle. The area of square and circle is 2: π

Draw the largest square in a circle. The area of square and circle is 2: π

Make a largest square in the circle. The ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square is () A. 2:π B. π:2 C. π:4 D. 4:π

As shown in the figure,
Draw the largest square in the circle. Let the radius of the circle be r,
Because the area of the circle = π R2,
The area of the square is 2R × R △ 2 × 2 = 2r2,
So the area of the square ×the area of the circle = 2r2 △ π R2 = 2
Therefore, B

What is the area ratio of the largest circle and square in a square? Is it 149:200?

Let the side length of the square be 1,
Then the square area is 1 * 1 = 1
Then the area of the circle is (1 / 2) 2 * π = 0.25 π
So the area ratio of a circle to a square is π: 4, and if π is 3.14, then it is 157:200

Draw the largest circle in a square with a side length of 6cm. The ratio of the circumference of the square to the circumference of the circle is the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square

The side length of the square is the diameter of the circle
Square perimeter: the circumference of a circle
=4 :3.14
=200 :157
Square area: the area of a circle
=36 :28.26
=200 :157

The circumference of the largest circle in a square is 50.24. What fraction of the area of the circle is the square area?

Diameter = 25.12 / 3.14 = 8cm
Square area = 8 * 8 = 64 cm
Circle area = 4 * 4 * 3.14 = 50.24 cm

Draw the largest circle in the square. The circumference of the circle is known to be 16 π. Find the area ratio of the circle to the square

The radius of the circle is:
So, the area of the circle is zero
The area of the square is:
The area ratio of the circle to the square is:

Draw the largest circle in a square with a side length of 2 decimeters. Calculate the circumference and area of the circle. What percentage of the square area is the area of the circle? It's mainly the final percentage~

The radius of the circle is one decimeter,
The circumference of the circle is 2 π r = 2 * 3.14 * 1 = 6.28 decimeter,
The area of the circle = π R2 = 3.14 * 1 * 1 = 3.14 square decimeters
Square area = 2 * 2 = 4 square decimeters
Area of circle / area of square = 3.14 / 4 = 0.785 = 78.5%

Draw the largest circle in a square with a circumference of 16 cm. What is the area of the circle?

12.56 cm