If a circle is divided into four sectors a, B, C and D, and the area ratio of sector ABCD is 2:1:4:5, what degree is the center angle of the largest sector

If a circle is divided into four sectors a, B, C and D, and the area ratio of sector ABCD is 2:1:4:5, what degree is the center angle of the largest sector

The total center angle is 360
By proportional distribution 60:30:120:150
The maximum center angle is 150 degrees

As shown in the figure, the ratio of degree of the four sectors is 1:2:3:4 (1) What is the area of a circle? (2) If the radius of the circle is 2, can you find the area of the sector where B is located?

The ratio of degree of the four sectors is 1:2:3:4
(1) The area of a is the area of a circle: 1 / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 1 / 10
(2) If the radius of the circle is 2, the area of sector B is 3.14 * 2 * 2 * 2 / (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) = 2.512

As shown in the figure, the area ratio of a, B, C and D sectors is 1:2:3:4, and the degrees of their central angles are calculated respectively

∵ the area ratio of the four sectors a, B, C and D is 1:2:3:4, ᙽ the area of each sector accounts for 110, 153, 10, 25 of the whole circle area respectively,

What is the radius multiplied by the degree of the center angle?

The radius multiplied by the arc degree of the center angle is equal to the arc length corresponding to the center angle!
The radius multiplied by the degree of the center angle is equal to (the arc length corresponding to the center angle) * 180 / PI!

The central angle of the circle is 120 degrees. What is the arc length to which the central angle is opposite to the circumference of the circle?


What percentage of the circumference of the circle is the arc length to which the center angle of 48 ° is opposite?


If the center angle of an arc is 40 degrees, then the length of the arc occupies the circumference of the circle________ (fill in a few points) there are still questions below! 1. If we know that the length of an arc is 56.52cm, and the angle of the center of the circle to which the arc is located is 60 degrees The circumference is__________ CM 2. If the angle of the center of the circle remains unchanged, and the radius of the circle is reduced to half of the original, then the arc length is_______ . 3. A section of curve is arc-shaped, the length of the track is 12 meters, the center angle of the arc is 80 degrees, and the radius of the arc (accurate to 0.1 meters) 4. In a circle, the length of an arc is six fifths of the circumference of the circle 5. The clock hour length of an alarm clock is 5cm. From 8am to 4pm, what is the distance between the tip of the clock?

If the center angle of an arc is 40 degrees, then the length of the arc accounts for 40 / 360 = 1 / 9 of the circumference of the circle where it is located. In order to know that the length of an arc is 56.52cm, and the center angle of the circle to which the arc is directed is 60 degrees, then the circumference of the circle where the arc is located is__________ Cm56.52 △ (60 / 360) = 339.12cm, the center angle of the circle remains unchanged, while the circle's center angle remains unchanged

The arc length of the fan-shaped arc with 72 degree center angle is a fraction of the circumference of the circle As in the title,

The center angle of the circle is 360 ° and the arc length of the sector is directly proportional to the center angle of the fan
Therefore, 72 ° to 360 ° is 1 / 5

The arc length of the center angle of 1 degree = what of the circumference of the circle = what

The arc length corresponding to the central angle of 1 ° is 1 / 360 of the circumference of the circle = π R / 180, where R is the radius

The arc length corresponding to the center angle of 1 ° is the circumference of the circle (): the arc length to which the central angle of 120 ° is opposite is the circumference ()

The arc length corresponding to the central angle of 1 ° is the circumference of the circle (1 / 360 th)
The arc length to which the central angle of 120 ° is opposite is the circumference (1 / 3)