Two squares, one square area is 81 square meters, the other square side length is equal to half of the first square, calculate the area of the second square I can't ask my parents. I know the answer, but I don't know how to make it,

Two squares, one square area is 81 square meters, the other square side length is equal to half of the first square, calculate the area of the second square I can't ask my parents. I know the answer, but I don't know how to make it,

So the side length of the first square is nine meters
So the second one is 9 △ 2 = 4.5 meters
A: the area of the second square is 20.25 square meters

The area of a square is 12 square decimeters. The side length of the square is equal to the diameter of the circle. How many square decimeters is the area of the circle?

Side length × side length = area
Radius x radius = R
Radius × radius × 3.14 = area
Let's push it down. 2R = D
(D / 2) × (D / 2) × 3.14 = area

The area of a square is 50 square meters. Draw a circle with its side length as the radius. What is the area of the circle?

50x3.14 = 157 square meters. The area of the circle is 157 square meters

As shown in the figure, make a square with the given radius as the side length. If the area of the square is 8 square centimeters, find the area of the circle

14 × 8 = 25.12 (square centimeter),
A: the area of this circle is 25.12 square centimeters

As shown in the figure below, the area of a square is 2 square decimeters

π R2 = 3.14 × 2 = 6.28 (square decimeter);
A: the area of the circle is 6.28 square decimeters

As shown in the figure below, the area of a square is 2 square decimeters

π R2 = 3.14 × 2 = 6.28 (square decimeter);
A: the area of the circle is 6.28 square decimeters

As shown in the figure, given that the radius of the circle is equal to the side length of the square, and the area of the square is 10dm square, how many square decimeters is the area of the circle

(10 ^ (1 / 2) * 4 / 3.14 / 2) ^ 2 * 3.14 = 12.74 DM square
A. Calculate the side and perimeter of a square
B. Calculate the diameter and radius of a circle
C. Calculation area

The side length of the square is equal to the radius of the circle. The area of the square is 60 square centimeters. How much is the area of the circle


The area of a square is 18 square decimeters. It is known that the side length of the square is equal to the radius of the circle. What is the area of the circle?

Area of square = square of variable length
The area of the circle is equal to the square of the π radius
It is known that the side length of a square is equal to the radius of a circle
So the area of the circle is 18 π

The diameter of a circle is equal to the side length of a square, the area of the circle () the area of the square

The diameter of a circle is equal to the side length of a square, and the area of the circle is (less than) the area of the square