It is known that: as shown in the figure, in △ ABC, the bisector of ∠ B and the bisector of external angle of △ ABC intersect at point D, ∠ a = 90 °

It is known that: as shown in the figure, in △ ABC, the bisector of ∠ B and the bisector of external angle of △ ABC intersect at point D, ∠ a = 90 °

 BD bisection ∠ ABC,  CBD = 12 ∠ ABC, ? CD bisection △ ABC ? DCE = 12 ∠ ace = 12 (﹤ a + ∠ ABC) = 12 ∠ a + 12 ∠ ABC. In △ BCD, by the external angle property of triangle, ? DCE = ∠ CBD + ∠ d = 12 ∠ ABC + ∠ D, ? 12 ∠ a + 12 ∠ ABC = 12 ﹣ D, ﹤ d = 12 ∠ B

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, the bisector of ∠ a = 90 ° intersects AB with D. if ∠ DCB = 2 ∠ B, calculate the degree of ∠ ADC

Let ∠ B = X,
The bisector of ∵ C intersects AB with D,
∵ ADC is the external angle of  BCD,
In △ ACD,
ν 90 ° + 2x + 3x = 180 ° and x = 18 °,

If the point O is inside the triangle ABC and there is 4 vector OA + vector ob + vector OC = 0, then the ratio of the area of triangle ABC to the area of triangle OBC is 0

Let the midpoint of BC be d,
Vector ob + vector OC = 2 vector OD
∵ 4 vector OA+ vector OB+ vector OC= vector 0
ν 4 vector OA + 2 vector od = vector 0
Vector od = - 2 vector OA
So | a, O, D are collinear
The area ratio of triangle ABC to triangle OBC is 3 / 2

Given that the point O is inside △ ABC, and vector OA + 2 vector ob + vector OC = 0, calculate the area ratio of △ ABC to △ AOC

I will not write the specific answer, I think you should be able to understand

If there is a point O in the triangle ABC and the vector OA · ob = ob · OC = OC · OA, is the point o the center of gravity, the outer center, the inner center or the perpendicular center of the triangle?

The above explanations are far fetched, or obscure
The correct explanation is:
From OA · ob = ob · OC
Ca · ob = 0, that is, ob is perpendicular to the AC edge
Similarly, from ob · OC = OC · OA, OC is perpendicular to ab edge
From OA · ob = OC · OA, OA is perpendicular to BC edge
Obviously, the point O is perpendicular to the triangle

Given that point O is the center of gravity of triangle ABC, find vector OA + vector ob + vector OC =?

Point O is the center of gravity of triangle ABC = = > center line ad, be, CF, and vector Ao = 2 vector OD, vector Bo = 2 vector OE, vector co = 2 vector of

The interior point O of the triangle ABC satisfies the following conditions: a vector OA + B vector ob + C vector OC = 0 vector

Let the radius of the inscribed circle of △ ABC be r, then s △ BOC = (1 / 2) * a * r = (1 / 2) * r = (1 / 2)) * (1 / 2) * |ob ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/ R) * sin ∠ Aoba * OA + b * ob + c * OC = (| ob | * | OC | / R) * sin ∠ BOC * OA + (| OC | o

As shown in the figure, O is a point in the triangle ABC. Try to explain that OA + ob + OC > half (AB + BC + Ca)

For a triangle, the sum of the two sides is greater than the third
OA+OB>AB; (1)
OA+OC>AC; (2)
OB+OC>BC; (3)
Then (1) + (2) + (3), 2 (OA + ob + OC) > AB + AC + BC
OA + ob + OC > 1 / 2 * (AB + AC + BC)

Given that O is any point in the triangle ABC, we try to explain: (1) one half of (AB + AC + BC) OA + ob + OC


It is known that the point O is inside the triangle ABC, connecting OA, ob, OC, indicating that, half (AB + AC + BC)

According to the fact that the sum of the two sides is greater than the third side, for the triangle OAB, OBC, OAC, there are: OA + ob > AB; OA + OC > AC, OB + OC > BC; therefore, OA + ob + OA + OC + ob + OC > AB + AC + BC; therefore, half (AB + AC + BC) < OA + ob + OC; next prove that OA + ob + OC < AB + AC + BC