What is the valence of manganese?

What is the valence of manganese?


What is the valence of manganese and chlorine Please give an example

The valence of manganese is:
Mn0 Mn Element
+1 Valence K5[ Mn (CN)6]
+2-Valent MnSO4
+3 Valence K3[ Mn (CN)6]
+4-Valent MnO2
+5 Valence Na3MnO4
+6 Valence K2MnO4
+7 Valence KMnO4
Among them, there are:0,+2,+4,+6,+7
The valence of chlorine is from -1 to +7
-1 Price HCl,CuCl2 etc.
0 Price Cl2
+1-Valent HClO (hypochlorite)
+2-Valent ClO (chlorine monoxide)
+3-Valent HClo2(metachloric acid)
+4-Valent ClO2(chlorine dioxide)
+5-Valent HClO3(chloric acid
+6 Valence ClO3 chlorine trioxide
+7 Valence HClO4(perchloric acid)
The common ones in the middle school range are -1,0,+1,+3,+5,+7