At 20°C, the solubility of sodium chloride is 36 g/100 g of water. If 500 g of saturated sodium chloride solution at 20°C is evaporated off 100 g of water, the temperature is still reduced to 20°C. Mass fraction of solute in the remaining solution after precipitation of several sodium chloride crystals

At 20°C, the solubility of sodium chloride is 36 g/100 g of water. If 500 g of saturated sodium chloride solution at 20°C is evaporated off 100 g of water, the temperature is still reduced to 20°C. Mass fraction of solute in the remaining solution after precipitation of several sodium chloride crystals

Let the water content in 500g saturated solution be Xg100:136=X:500X=50000/136, the residual water after evaporation is:50000/136-100, let these water dissolve Yg salt:36:100=Y:(50000/136-100) Y=1638/17 mass fraction=(1638/17)/(1638/17+50000/136-100)=26.47%...

At a certain temperature, the solubility of NaCl is 36 g. At a temperature where the solubility of NaCl is 36 g,200 g of water can dissolve up to 72____ g of NaCl;10 g of the mass fraction of solute in the saturated solution at this temperature is _____(to the nearest 0.1%) At a certain temperature, the solubility of NaCl is 36 g. At a temperature where the solubility of NaCl is 36 g,200 g of water can dissolve up to 72___ g of NaCl;10 g of the mass fraction of solute in the saturated solution at this temperature is _____(to the nearest 0.1%)

Saturated solution mass fraction = solubility divided by (100+ solubility)
So mass fraction =36/(36+100)=26.5%