Which three types of common metal crystal lattice forms are there?

Which three types of common metal crystal lattice forms are there?

Body-centered cubic lattice face-centered cubic lattice closely arranged hexagonal lattice

The difference between cooling hot saturated solution and evaporation When to use the method of cooling heat saturation when to use the method of evaporation?

One is to change the mass fraction of the solute by cooling the crystallization, and the mass fraction of the solute may not be reduced (special case: calcium hydroxide)
The other is to reduce the solvent and the mass fraction of solute must increase
Supplement: Generally, when the solubility of the substance increases rapidly with the increase of temperature, the method of cooling the hot saturated solution (e.g. potassium nitrate) shall be adopted. If the change of temperature of the substance is little, the method of evaporating the solvent (e.g. sodium chloride) shall be adopted.