At 20°C, the solubility of salt is 36 g. At this temperature, the mass fraction of solute in the saturated solution of salt

At 20°C, the solubility of salt is 36 g. At this temperature, the mass fraction of solute in the saturated solution of salt

Salt solubility is known to be 36 g at 20°C
Find the mass fraction of solute in salt solution at 20°C?
According to the solubility values:
Solute mass 36 g
Solvent mass 100 g
Mass of saturated solution 136 g
Mass fraction of solute:36g/136g*100%=26.5%

At 20°C, the solubility of salt is 36g/100g water. How many grams of salt is required to prepare 500g saturated salt water at this temperature?

At this temperature, the mass fraction of saturated salt water is
------------- * 100% = 26.47%
Then 500g saturated salt water requires 500*26.47%=132.35g