At 10 degrees,131 grams of saturated KCl solution, after evaporation of 10 grams of water, at 10 degrees, the mass of KCl crystals can be precipitated At 10°C,131 g of saturated KCl solution, after evaporation of 10 g of water, the mass of KCl crystals can be precipitated at 10°C

At 10 degrees,131 grams of saturated KCl solution, after evaporation of 10 grams of water, at 10 degrees, the mass of KCl crystals can be precipitated At 10°C,131 g of saturated KCl solution, after evaporation of 10 g of water, the mass of KCl crystals can be precipitated at 10°C

The data showed that the solubility of potassium chloride at 10°C was 31 g,
Thus precipitated potassium chloride crystal mass gram x:
=3.1 G.

At 20°C, there were 2 saturated sodium chloride solutions of mass 200G,100G, at 20°C,11 g of water were evaporated, and the precipitated crystals were A, B g, respectively, then A: A is greater than B B:2A=B C: A=B D: Can not compare Tell me more! At 20 degrees, there are 2 saturated sodium chloride solutions of mass 200G,100G, at 20 degrees, each evaporating 11 grams of water, and precipitating crystals of A, B grams, respectively, then A: A is greater than B B:2A=B C: A=B D: Can not compare Tell me more! At 20°C, there were 2 saturated sodium chloride solutions of mass 200G,100G, at 20°C,11 g of water were evaporated and the precipitated crystals were A, B g, respectively, then A: A is greater than B B:2A=B C: A=B D: unable to compare Tell me more!

Select C
Since that temperature is constant,
So A=11g* solubility
B=11g* solubility
So A=B

Option C
Since that temperature is constant,
So A=11g* solubility
B=11g* solubility
So A=B