After a certain amount of M substance solution is evaporated at a certain temperature by 15 g of water,2 g of crystal is precipitated, another 15 g of water is evaporated, and another 5 g of crystal is precipitated. If another 15 g of water is evaporated, the mass of precipitated crystal is () A.2 g B.5 g C.8 g D. Inability to judge

After a certain amount of M substance solution is evaporated at a certain temperature by 15 g of water,2 g of crystal is precipitated, another 15 g of water is evaporated, and another 5 g of crystal is precipitated. If another 15 g of water is evaporated, the mass of precipitated crystal is () A.2 g B.5 g C.8 g D. Inability to judge

After evaporation of 15 g of water,2 g of crystal is precipitated, then 15 g of water is evaporated, and then 5 g of crystal is precipitated. It can be known that the solution is an unsaturated solution at the beginning, and the solution after precipitation of 2 g of crystal is a saturated solution. After evaporation of 15 g of water,5 g of crystal is precipitated, which is the evaporation of saturated solution. Therefore, if another 15 g of water is evaporated, the mass of precipitated crystal is still 5 g.
Therefore, B.

At a certain temperature, after the unsaturated solution evaporates 15g of water (part),2g of crystal (excluding crystal water) is precipitated; after 5g of solute crystal is put into the original solution,1g of solid solute remains in the solution, the solubility of the solute at this temperature is () A.13.3 g B.26.7 g C.33.3 g D.40 g

According to the meaning, the unsaturated solution evaporates the solvent

The saturated solution continues to evaporate to 15 g

2G of crystal is precipitated, and 1g of solid solute remains in the solution after 5g of solute crystal is added to the original solution, indicating that the original solution reaches saturation state when 4g of solute is dissolved, indicating that if 6g of solute is dissolved in the evaporated 15g of water, i.e.0.4g of solute is dissolved in each gram of water at most,40g of solute is dissolved in 100g of water at most, so D.