In industry, how to precipitate copper sulfate crystal in low concentration copper sulfate solution (except evaporation method)? Evaporation must be too expensive, is there any most economical way? Does anyone know what methods are used in industry? How much electricity is required for evaporation of 1 kg of water?

In industry, how to precipitate copper sulfate crystal in low concentration copper sulfate solution (except evaporation method)? Evaporation must be too expensive, is there any most economical way? Does anyone know what methods are used in industry? How much electricity is required for evaporation of 1 kg of water?

The most economical method is evaporation, such as spray drying after concentration. If you want to save it, put it in the sun. ……… …

The most economical method should be evaporation, such as spray drying after concentration. If you want to save it, put it in the sun...... ……… …

How to separate copper sulfate crystal from copper sulfate solution, except evaporation method.

There are two other methods besides evaporation.
1. Cooling crystallization
2. Add non-good solvent for copper sulfate, but the solvent must be miscible with water in any proportion, such as methanol-ethanol, etc.