Ionization Equation of KCLO3/CH3COOH/HCLO/H2S/KHSO3 Such as title And an ionization equation for water. Is it the same as the electrical breakdown?

Ionization Equation of KCLO3/CH3COOH/HCLO/H2S/KHSO3 Such as title And an ionization equation for water. Is it the same as the electrical breakdown?

KClO3=K (+)+ClO3(-);
CH3COOH CH3COO (-)+H (+)
HClO ClO (-)+H (+);
H2S 2H (+)+S (2-);
KHSO3=K (+)+HSO3(-); HSO3(-) H (+)+SO3(2-)
H2O H (+)+OH (-); galvanic decomposition is a chemical reaction; write the ion equation
←→ Represents a reversible reaction; writing a two - way arrow.

Chemical Equation for Ionization of Acetic Acid in Water