Ionize concentration of acetic acid Acetic acid below 0.1mol/L,0.1mol/L,0.1mol/L, acetic acid above 0.1mol/L, why handled according to different situations? What formula? What's the pattern? I don't understand! Ionize concentration of acetic acid Acetic acid below 0.1mol/L, acetic acid below 0.1mol/L and acetic acid above 0.1mol/L, why are they treated according to different situations? What formula? What's the pattern? I don't understand!

Ionize concentration of acetic acid Acetic acid below 0.1mol/L,0.1mol/L,0.1mol/L, acetic acid above 0.1mol/L, why handled according to different situations? What formula? What's the pattern? I don't understand! Ionize concentration of acetic acid Acetic acid below 0.1mol/L, acetic acid below 0.1mol/L and acetic acid above 0.1mol/L, why are they treated according to different situations? What formula? What's the pattern? I don't understand!

Because acetic acid is partially ionized, the ionization degree is small, so that when the concentration of acetic acid is high, concentration of acetic acid is high, this is the ion concentration in the solution follows a certain rule, while when the concentration of acetic acid is low, it follows another set of rules.
Then look at the book carefully, the different concentration of formula derivation ignored different factors, so different treatment.
Formula is too hard to hit, you search the Internet analytical chemistry.

Because acetic acid is partially ionized, the ionization degree is small, so that only a small part is ionized when the concentration of acetic acid is high, this is the ion concentration in the solution follows a certain rule, while when the concentration of acetic acid is low, it follows another set of rules.
Then look at the book carefully, the formula derivation of different concentrations while ignoring different factors, so different treatment.
Formula is too hard to hit, you search online analytical chemistry.

Because acetic acid is partially ionized, the ionization degree is small, so that when the concentration of acetic acid is high, concentration of acetic acid is high, this is the ion concentration in the solution follows a certain rule, while when the concentration of acetic acid is low, it follows another set of rules.
Then read the book carefully, the different concentration of formula derivation ignored different factors, so different treatment.
Formula is too hard to hit, you search online analytical chemistry.

Why does the addition of glacial acetic acid reduce the degree of ionization of acetic acid? CH3COOH ---- CH3COO-+H+? Why does the addition of glacial acetic acid reduce the degree of ionization of acetic acid? Why does the addition of glacial acetic acid reduce the degree of ionization of acetic acid? CH3COOH ---- CH3COO-+H+? Why does the addition of glacial acetic acid reduce the ionization of acetic acid?

Acetic acid is a weak acid, the smaller the concentration, the easier to ionize.
In terms of equilibrium, the degree of ionization is equal to the concentration of ionized acetic acid compared to the total concentration of acetic acid.
Degree of ionization = amount of ionized acetic acid / total amount of acetic acid
It is assume that that equilibrium does not move, the amount of ionized acetic acid remain unchanged, the total concentration of acetic acid increase after adding glacial acetic acid, the ionization degree decreases, but the equilibrium moves, the increase of acetic acid concentration will move to the right, and the amount of ionized acetic acid increases,
The reduction of ionization degree will reduce the equilibrium shift. If the equilibrium shift is large enough, the ionization degree may increase, but according to the equilibrium shift principle, the influence can only be reduced but not eliminated, so the ionization degree is reduced.