How to Compare Degree of Ionization and Degree of Hydrolysis

How to Compare Degree of Ionization and Degree of Hydrolysis

Complete ionization of strong acid and strong base
Several-step ionization of weak acid and weak base
The first step is the easiest
It's getting harder.

Complete ionization of strong acid and strong base
Weak acid and weak base
The first step is the easiest
It's getting harder.

How to judge the degree of ionization and hydrolysis?

The key of ionization and hydrolysis is the ionization ability of this weak electrolyte, i.e. the ionization constant. The larger the ionization constant is, the stronger the ionization ability is. On the contrary, the hydrolysis ability corresponding to weak acid radical or weak base cation is smaller. For example, CH3COOH and NH3H2O are considered as weak acid radical or weak base radical, but in fact, their ionization constant is larger, so their ionization degree is larger, and the hydrolysis ability corresponding to weak acid radical (CH3COO-) and weak base cation (NH4+) is smaller, while HClO is opposite, the ionization degree is smaller, and the hydrolysis degree of ClO- is larger.
Therefore, for judging the ionization of weak electrolyte and the degree of hydrolysis of the corresponding ions, you should first remember some common weak acid, weak alkali acid strength, for not familiar, the topic will give you information to help you judge!