Why Iodine Hypochlorite Reacts under Basic Conditions

Why Iodine Hypochlorite Reacts under Basic Conditions


Does the mixture of chlorite and iodine ion produce chlorine dioxide and iodine rapidly? If so, what are the reaction equations or principles? O (∩_∩) O Thank you!

Both chlorine dioxide and chlorite are oxidants, both of which oxidize iodine ions and precipitate iodine
ClO2+ I --→ ClO2-+1/2I2 at pH =7
Number of oxidations from 4→3
At pH=1 to 3,
Number of oxidations from 4→-1
ClO2-+4HI→2I2+Cl-+2H2O, oxygen
Decomposition from 3 to 1
Therefore, the determination of chlorine dioxide and chlorite can be carried out by single sampling and continuous titration with different PH values.