Identification of nitrate and nitrite ion RT Is the resulting brown ring the same? Identification of nitrate and nitrite ion RT The resulting brown ring is the same?

Identification of nitrate and nitrite ion RT Is the resulting brown ring the same? Identification of nitrate and nitrite ion RT The resulting brown ring is the same?

Identification of NO3-
FeSO4+NO =[ Fe+(NO)+] SO4 produces brown iron (I) nitrite sulfate
Identification of NO2-
Decomposition under acidic conditions
3Fe2++NO+2SO42-=[ Fe (NO)] SO4 produces brown iron nitrite (I)
Identification of NO3- and NO2- will cause interference, so the interference of NO2- shall be eliminated in advance. The method to eliminate the interference of NO2- is to remove it with I-:
NO3- can not oxidize I-.

The electronic formula of nitrite ion?

I don't know. I forgot. I' m sorry.