Equation for Cyclohexene and Acidic Potassium Permanganate

Equation for Cyclohexene and Acidic Potassium Permanganate

5C6H10+12 H2SO4+8 KMnO4→4 K2SO4+8 MnSO4+5 HOOC (CH2)4 COOH +12 H2O
The product is 1,6-adipic acid.
In the equation C 6 H 10 is cyclohexene.

5C6H10+12 H2SO4+8KMnO4→4K2SO4+8MnSO4+5HOOC (CH2)4COOH +12H2O
The product is 1,6-adipic acid.
In the equation C 6 H 10 is cyclohexene.

Does Cyclohexene React with Acidic Potassium Permanganate? If so, what is the equation?

Naturally, adipic acid is produced, and potassium permanganate itself is reduced to bivalent.