Can ferrous ions react with nitrate ions

Can ferrous ions react with nitrate ions

I'm glad to answer your questions.
Not possible
But it can react in the presence of hydrogen ions

Does cyclohexane react with sodium sulfate and potassium permanganate If the reaction, please specify the phenomenon and chemical equation.

There are two kinds of cycloalkanes, one is small cycloalkanes, because of the deviation of the carbon-carbon bond angle from 109 degree, the atomic orbital overlap is not complete and the carbon-carbon bond energy is weakened. The chemical properties of these alkanes are similar to olefins, and the ring-opening addition reaction is easy to occur. The other is large cycloalkanes, in which the carbon-carbon atomic orbital overlap is complete.

There are two kinds of cycloalkanes, one is small cycloalkane, because the deviation of the carbon-carbon bond angle from 109 degree is large, the atomic orbital overlap is not complete, the carbon-carbon bond energy is weakened. The chemical properties of these alkanes are like olefins, the ring-opening addition reaction is easy to occur. The other is large cycloalkane, the carbon-carbon atomic orbital overlap in these cycloalkanes is complete...