How to judge the degree of ionization and degree of hydrolysis?

How to judge the degree of ionization and degree of hydrolysis?

Acid and alkali can only ionize, can not hydrolyze, salt can hydrolyze.
Perhaps you would like to ask the degree of ionization and hydrolysis of acid salt, the middle school only need to remember: hydrogen sulfate ion completely ionization acid; hydrogen sulfite ion and phosphate dihydrogen ion ionization degree than hydrolysis degree acid; sulfur hydrogen ion, hydrogen carbonate ion, phosphate monohydrogen ion hydrolysis degree than ionization degree alkaline.

Acid and alkali can only ionize, can not hydrolyze, salt can hydrolyze.
Perhaps you would like to ask the degree of ionization and hydrolysis of acid salt, the middle school only need to remember: the complete ionization of hydrogen sulfate ion acidic; hydrogen sulfite ion and phosphate dihydrogen ion ionization degree than hydrolysis degree acidic; sulfur hydrogen ion, hydrogen carbonate ion, phosphate monohydrogen ion hydrolysis degree than ionization degree alkaline.

When ionization is greater than hydrolysis, some data say salts dissolved in water, mainly ionization, hydrolysis as a supplement.

Salts are generally strong electrolytes, which are completely ionized when dissolved in water, so they are mainly ionized. Some salts are weak electrolytes corresponding to acid or base, and these salts can be hydrolyzed, but the hydrolysis is generally less than 10%, so hydrolysis is secondary.
But acid salt is not: the ionization of acid acid radical in HSO3-, H2PO42- solution is stronger than hydrolysis, but the ionization of acid radical in HCO3-, HPO4- solution is weaker than hydrolysis.