Reaction of Phenol with Potassium Permanganate Will phenol be oxidized to pink?

Reaction of Phenol with Potassium Permanganate Will phenol be oxidized to pink?

Phenol can make acid potassium permanganate fade.1) Phenol can be oxidized in the air to appear pink, so it is reductive.2) Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, so the two can react.3) Potassium permanganate is purple because of the permanganate radical, but after the reduction of potassium permanganate, it becomes manganese ion, manganese ion is general.

Phenol can make acid potassium permanganate fade.1) Phenol can be oxidized in in the air to appear pink, so it is reductive.2) Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, so the two can react.3) Potassium permanganate is purple because of the permanganate radical, but after the reduction of potassium permanganate, it becomes manganese ion, manganese ion is general.

Phenol can make acid potassium permanganate fade.1) Phenol can be oxidized in the air to pink, so it is reductive.2) Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, so the two can react.3) Potassium permanganate is purple because there is permanganate, but after potassium permanganate is reduced, it becomes manganese ion, manganese ion is general.

What is the reaction product of carbon-carbon double bond and acid potassium permanganate? What is the product of the reaction of carbon-carbon double acid potassium permanganate?

Acidic potassium permanganate reacts with olefins to add an oxygen to the carbon at both ends of the double bond of the olefin: C=C→C=O+O=C If there is a hydrogen on the carbon, it can be seen that the obtained oxidation product contains aldehyde. Due to the strong reducibility of aldehyde, acidic potassium permanganate can continue to oxidize it to carboxylic acid:
-CHO→-COOH, if there are two hydrogen on a carbon, it can be seen that the carbon is oxidized to formaldehyde, which will be further oxidized to carbonic acid, which will be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water. Therefore, ethylene will be oxidized to carbon dioxide by potassium permanganate.
Acidic potassium permanganate itself is reduced to a divalent manganese ion.
It can be seen from the reaction that the carbon - carbon double bond has been completely broken.
This is only the case with olefins, which can not be broken by the double bond acid potassium permanganate solution in the benzene ring.