Can phenol fade acid potassium permanganate?

Can phenol fade acid potassium permanganate?

Of course. Phenol is a very oxidizable substance that can be oxidized by O2 in air
The oxidation of potassium permanganate is very strong, of course, phenol can be oxidized
First, benzoquinone should be formed, and then double bond should be oxidized by potassium permanganate. If there is more potassium permanganate, it should be oxidized to form CO2 and H2O

Of course. Phenol is a very oxidizable substance that can be oxidized by O2 in air
The oxidation of potassium permanganate is very strong, of course, phenol can be oxidized
First, benzoquinone should be formed, and then double bond should be oxidized by potassium permanganate. If potassium permanganate is more, it should be oxidized to form CO2 and H2O

Chemical Equation for the Reaction of Acidic Potassium Permanganate with Olefins, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aldehydes and Phenols Use simple ethylene as an example, the impact is more complex. Chemical Equation for the Reaction of Acidic Potassium Permanganate with Olefins, Alkynes, Alcohols, Aldehydes and Phenols It is better to use simple ethylene as an example more complex.

First of all, I look down on the first answer. I hope that no one will joke about that academic question in the future. For olefins (ethylene), acid is:12KMnO4+5C2H4+18H2SO4=6K2SO4+12MnSO4+10CO2+28H2O is alkaline and low temperature is:2KMnO4+5C2H4+3H2SO4+2H2O=K2SO4+...