When carbon dioxide is introduced into saturated sodium carbonate solution, crystals of sodium bicarbonate precipitate Why can it be proved that the solubility of sodium carbonate is greater than that of sodium bicarbonate? I can't figure it out. When carbon dioxide is introduced into saturated sodium carbonate solution, crystals of sodium bicarbonate precipitate Why can it be proved that the solubility of sodium carbonate is greater than that of sodium bicarbonate? I'm confused by you.

When carbon dioxide is introduced into saturated sodium carbonate solution, crystals of sodium bicarbonate precipitate Why can it be proved that the solubility of sodium carbonate is greater than that of sodium bicarbonate? I can't figure it out. When carbon dioxide is introduced into saturated sodium carbonate solution, crystals of sodium bicarbonate precipitate Why can it be proved that the solubility of sodium carbonate is greater than that of sodium bicarbonate? I'm confused by you.

Me, too.
Solubility of Alkali Carbonates and Bicarbonate
According to -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Some teachers will do such an experiment for students: the temperature of saturated sodium carbonate solution into CO2 gas, will precipitate white crystals, so the teacher said: NaHCO3 solubility than Na2CO3 less.
The above "reasoning" seems to have experimental support and theoretical basis, in fact, the process proved by the experiment is logical error.
The reaction of Na2CO3+CO2+H2O=2NaHCO3 has taken place. The conclusion should be:1. The reaction consumes solvent water 2. Sodium carbonate is converted into sodium bicarbonate and the mass of solute is increased.
Even if the solubility of sodium bicarbonate is higher than that of sodium carbonate, the above-mentioned situation can also occur, indicating that the solubility of NaHCO3 must be small.
On the contrary, the solubility of NaHCO3 is smaller than that of Na2CO3, which is one of the reasons for the precipitation of Na2CO3+CO2+H2O=2NaHCO3.
Therefore, please do not reverse the cause and effect, reflect on their own learning.

What is the reason for the precipitation of sodium bicarbonate crystals in saturated sodium carbonate solution through carbon dioxide I want to ask, the original solution is originally saturated solution of sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate unsaturated into carbon dioxide, the formation of a little bit of sodium bicarbonate must have crystal precipitation, and sodium carbonate dissolved, how can prove that the solubility of sodium bicarbonate is smaller than sodium carbonate

1. The original solution is saturated solution of sodium carbonate (not sodium bicarbonate).
2. Na2CO3+CO2+H2O=2NaHCO3
106G 168g
The reaction consumes water and the solvent is reduced
The reaction by 106gNa2CO3 produced 168g NaHCO3, solute more!
3. The solubility of sodium bicarbonate is smaller than that of sodium carbonate at the same temperature.
4. If only a small amount of CO2 is introduced, no precipitation will be generated.
The "excess "(emphasis) of carbon dioxide into saturated sodium carbonate solution will have sodium bicarbonate crystals precipitated
5. It is proved that the solubility of sodium bicarbonate is smaller than that of sodium carbonate. This experiment can not explain the problem. It is necessary to conduct an additional experiment on the amount of dissolved solids of 100g water.