What is the density of the saturated sodium carbonate solution when CO2 is introduced to form sodium bicarbonate? What is the density of the solution when CO2 is introduced into the saturated sodium carbonate solution to form sodium bicarbonate?

What is the density of the saturated sodium carbonate solution when CO2 is introduced to form sodium bicarbonate? What is the density of the solution when CO2 is introduced into the saturated sodium carbonate solution to form sodium bicarbonate?

I think that if excessive CO2 is introduced, sodium bicarbonate crystals will be produced, resulting in a decrease in the concentration of sodium carbonate and thus a decrease in the density of the original solution

Why does sodium bicarbonate crystal precipitate in saturated sodium carbonate solution through carbon dioxide

Because Na2CO3+ CO2+ H2O ==2 NaHCO3
Because the solubility of sodium bicarbonate is less than that of sodium carbonate, carbon dioxide is introduced into the saturated solution of sodium carbonate to form not only sodium bicarbonate, but also crystal of sodium bicarbonate.