Mechanism of Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Oxidation by Potassium Permanganate? Rt, what product? Why can it be oxidized?

Mechanism of Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Oxidation by Potassium Permanganate? Rt, what product? Why can it be oxidized?

Principle: carbon-carbon double bond (unsaturated bond) has a pi bond, bond energy is not as carbon-oxygen bond, carbon-carbon single bond energy is large
The electron cloud is rich and unsaturated.

Principle: carbon-carbon double bond (unsaturated bond) has a pi bond, bond energy than carbon-oxygen bond, carbon-carbon single bond energy is large
The electron cloud is rich, and unsaturated."

What happens when the triple bond is oxidized by potassium permanganate

RC≡CH -------- RCOOH + CO2+ H2O
≡CH to form CO2, RC≡ to form carboxylic acid

RC≡CH -------- RCOOH + CO2+ H2O
≡CH generates CO2, RC≡ generates carboxylic acid