Acetic acid acetic acid increases the concentration of acetate ion Why does zinc react with hydrogen ions? The ionization of acetic acid increases the concentration of acetate ion Why does zinc react with hydrogen ions?

Acetic acid acetic acid increases the concentration of acetate ion Why does zinc react with hydrogen ions? The ionization of acetic acid increases the concentration of acetate ion Why does zinc react with hydrogen ions?

HAc≈H++ Ac-
When zinc particles are added, hydrogen ions react with the active metal zinc

Why does the ionization degree decrease when a small amount of glacial acetic acid is added in 0.1 mol/L acetic acid solution?

Acetic acid is a weak acid, the smaller the concentration is, the easier it is to ionize. After adding glacial acetic acid, the concentration will increase, so the ionization degree will be called decreasing. From the angle of equilibrium, the ionization degree is equal to the concentration of ionized acetic acid compared to the total concentration of acetic acid. The ionization degree = the amount of ionized acetic acid / the total amount of acetic acid. Assuming that the equilibrium does not move first, the amount of ionized acetic acid will not change, and then add glacial acetic acid...

Acetic acid is a weak acid, the smaller the concentration is, the easier it is to ionize. After adding glacial acetic acid, the concentration will increase, so the ionization degree will be called decreasing. From the angle of equilibrium, the ionization degree is equal to the concentration of ionized acetic acid compared to the total concentration of acetic acid. The ionization degree = the amount of ionized acetic acid/the total amount of acetic acid. Assuming that the equilibrium does not move, the amount of ionized acetic acid will not change, and the glacial acetic acid will be added.