What happens when baking soda is mixed with white vinegar, is it a physical or chemical change

What happens when baking soda is mixed with white vinegar, is it a physical or chemical change

It's a chemical change CO2 and sodium acetate

Is the acid-base indicator acid-base discoloration or litmus and phenolphthalein discoloration?

Is litmus and phenolphthalein acid and alkali indicator discoloration.
The acid-base indicator is generally a weak organic acid or organic base, and its acid formula should have a significantly different hue compared with its conjugate basic formula. When the pH of the solution changes, the indicator loses the proton to change from acid formula to basic formula, or the proton to change from basic formula to acid formula. Due to the change in structure, the color of the indicator changes.

Is litmus and phenolphthalein and other acid and alkali indicator color change.
The acid-base indicator is generally a weak organic acid or organic base, and its acid formula should have a significantly different hue compared with its conjugate basic formula. When the pH of the solution changes, the indicator loses the proton to change from acid formula to basic formula, or the proton to change from basic formula to acid formula. Due to the change in structure, the color of the indicator changes.