Al reacts with NaOH, NaAlO2 reacts with HCl, and Al reacts with NaO. Write their chemical reaction equations

Al reacts with NaOH, NaAlO2 reacts with HCl, and Al reacts with NaO. Write their chemical reaction equations

NaAlo2+Hcl+H2o=Nacl+Al (oH)3 at 1:1 When NaAlo2+4Hcl=Nacl+3Alcl3+2H2o is between 1:4 and 1:4, there are both aluminum hydroxide and aluminum chloride
NaO? Never seen it.

X+HCl→Y+NaOH→Z X. Where X represents the substance A.AgNO3 B.Fe2O3 Detailed explanation X+HCl→Y+NaOH→Z X. Where X represents the substance A.AgNO3 B.Fe2O3 Ask for detailed explanation

Select B.Fe2O3
Because AgCl produced by reaction in A can not react with NaOH.
In B, Fe2O3+HCl→FeCl3+H2O
FeCl3+ NaOH→Fe (OH)3+ NaCl
Fe (OH)3 Fe 2O 3.