The egg white drops into the purple litmus in blue and the colorless phenolphthalein solution in red. The PH of the egg white may be ( 1-3 Is A 4-6 is B 7 is C 8-11 is D

The egg white drops into the purple litmus in blue and the colorless phenolphthalein solution in red. The PH of the egg white may be ( 1-3 Is A 4-6 is B 7 is C 8-11 is D

Select D, drop in purple litmus is blue, drop in colorless phenolphthalein test solution is red, indicating that egg white is alkaline, AB is acidic, C is neutral and D is alkaline.

Solution that can make colorless phenolphthalein test solution turn red, and can make purple litmus test solution () A. turning red B. Colorless C. Turn blue D. No discoloration

Alkaline solution can make phenolphthalein test solution turn red, alkaline solution can make litmus test solution turn blue.
Therefore, C.