What about dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulfuric acid with purple litmus solution and colorless phenolphthalein solution, respectively Answer separately above

What about dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute sulfuric acid with purple litmus solution and colorless phenolphthalein solution, respectively Answer separately above

Dilute hydrochloric acid is the same as dilute sulfuric acid: purple litmus solution turns red, colorless phenolphthalein solution has no change

The following substances can not be used to identify sodium hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid:() A. Purple litmus solution B. Sodium chloride solution C. Iron powder D. pH strip The following substances can not be used to identify sodium hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid:() A. Purple litmus solution B. Sodium chloride solution C. Iron powder D. pH test paper

A. Purple litmus turns red with dilute hydrochloric acid and blue with sodium hydroxide solution, so A can distinguish sodium hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid; B. Sodium chloride can not react with sodium hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid, so B can not be used to distinguish sodium hydroxide solution and dilute hydrochloric acid; C. Iron powder can react with dilute hydrochloric acid, but sodium hydroxide solution...