Does the reaction of copper with nitric acid require heating

Does the reaction of copper with nitric acid require heating

Reaction with dilute nitric acid requires heating, while reaction with concentrated nitric acid requires no heating

Does the blue litmus paper turn purple when exposed to water? E.g. Does the blue litmus strip turn purple when exposed to water? Such as a question

Soak that purple litmus teste paper in non-volatile acid to form a red litmus teste paper;
Dip purple litmus paper into sodium carbonate to make blue litmus paper.
Therefore the principle that uses is litmus to meet acid turn red, with alkali turn blue principle.
The red is used to test for alkaline substances and the blue is used to test for acidic substances
It's red, of course. It's like purple litmus...
Again: should be. Neutral is 7, and litmus does not change color range is pH 6 to 8,
Eight is purple, so neutral is purple, right?
As long as pH 8, purple litmus reagent (paper) will change color drops ~
If a neutralizing agent is dropped on a blue or red litmus paper, the paper should
Turn purple!