Put a copper sheet in a test tube, inject a certain volume of concentrated sulfuric acid, and observe the color of CuSO4 solution generated, and how to do it

Put a copper sheet in a test tube, inject a certain volume of concentrated sulfuric acid, and observe the color of CuSO4 solution generated, and how to do it

When heated on an alcohol lamp, a redox reaction occurs to produce copper sulfate.

In the following experimental design for preparation of copper sulfate, the best scheme that can embody the spirit of "economy, high efficiency and environmental protection" is () A. Copper is co-heated with concentrated sulfuric acid B. Electrolyze dilute sulfuric acid with copper sheet as anode and graphite as cathode C. First burn the scrap copper to form copper oxide, and then dissolve it with concentrated sulfuric acid D. Dissolve copper sheet in dilute sulfuric acid continuously fed into air at appropriate temperature

A. Copper is co-heated with concentrated sulfuric acid to produce copper sulfate, sulfur dioxide and water. Sulfur dioxide is a toxic gas and does not conform to the spirit of "economy, high efficiency and environmental protection ", so A is wrong;
B. The scheme of using copper sheet as anode and graphite as cathode and electrolysis of dilute sulfuric acid consumes large electric energy, which does not conform to the spirit of "economy, high efficiency and environmental protection ", so B is wrong;
C. The generation of copper oxide by burning copper scraps will lead to the generation of toxic substances and other toxic substances, which is not in line with the spirit of "economy, efficiency and environmental protection ", so C is wrong;
D. At appropriate temperature, the copper sheet will be dissolved in dilute sulfuric acid continuously introduced into the air, so that no toxic substances will appear and the energy consumption is small, which conforms to the spirit of "economy, high efficiency and environmental protection ", so D is correct.
Therefore, D.